Good old Tim Cain (programmer on Fo1/2) also took some time to do our Fallout Developers Profile, here's a snazzy snibblet:<blockquote>What’s your favourite Fallout memory?
I really enjoyed a lot of the humorous bugs that never made it into game. We had doors that ran away from the player when he opened them, and rocket launchers that fired people that ran to their target and blew up. But if you mean my favourite part of the final games, it’s a close call between the ending of Fallout 1 where you kill the Overseer and the scene in Fallout 2 where you travel back in time and accidentally break the water chip in Vault 13. Both are wonderful scenes, but very different emotionally.</blockquote>That cracked me up, anyone took a video of that rocket launcher??
Link:Fallout Dev Profile - Tim Cain
I really enjoyed a lot of the humorous bugs that never made it into game. We had doors that ran away from the player when he opened them, and rocket launchers that fired people that ran to their target and blew up. But if you mean my favourite part of the final games, it’s a close call between the ending of Fallout 1 where you kill the Overseer and the scene in Fallout 2 where you travel back in time and accidentally break the water chip in Vault 13. Both are wonderful scenes, but very different emotionally.</blockquote>That cracked me up, anyone took a video of that rocket launcher??
Link:Fallout Dev Profile - Tim Cain