Time to be jealous of the Poles

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Jealous of the Poles

Jealous of the Poles

'Jealous of the Poles', is this some jargon like code,

... or witless. latent penis envy?

All the news of FO modding on the east side of the Euro, must indicate an erect and manly market for such a compilation.
And therefore, the rush to consummation.

There is something strange in Poland.
Fallout community is very strong here.
I've been thinking about it from time to time and I still don't know why is that.

Just look at the numbers :
-of fallout fan-sites
-of in-development fallout-related projects
That's what i was saying a while ago, it seems a lot of the latest Fallout community news is coming from that general area. If it's very popular it's hardly a bad thing though :)
SeanDMan said:
...fuck Poland.

Zryj srake, cipko.

Most of the news come from Poland because of a very simple reason.

Our people steal the news before they get to other countries' gaming sites.

That's why a terrorist attack in Poland like the one in Spain is impossible. As soon as someone would carelessly leave a backpack in the Warsaw subway or the suburban trains, it would be automatically stolen.

And CD projekt is known for doing crappy translations. I have a friend that beta-tests the games they translate, when he's not on an LSD trip. They translated "Power armor" into "Enhanced armor".

Talk about "enhancement".
Wooz69 said:
Zryj srake, cipko.



They did some pretty good translations... Like Diablo 2, although the Archangel's voice sounded like it came down a lead pipe :P
They did some pretty good translations... Like Diablo 2

Now that was funny. Polish version of diablo 2 is plain piece of crap. Not even voices are gay but there is so many misspelings that I wonder on what weed translation makers were when they did it. I think they got the message because expansion set translation is ok but unfortunetly what was screwed wasn't fixed.

But on the other hand CD projekt made Planescape:Torment translation (correct me if I'm wrong) and imo this is the best polish translation (text translation as well as voice acting) ever made.

Oh, and back to the topic...


Ahem...you can download lots of that stuff anyway...

Oh and SeanDMan if you this they get all the good stuff go live there.
Heh, to say the truth, we have the biggest Fallout community now :] And we have snow of course! Skiing in forest destroyed by nearby factory (it looks like after nuclear war - everythging is grey and destroyed... :) ) is all what fallout-fan needs to relax! :]

Now there are about... 5-6 game projects in fallout world, we have 5 huge web pages devoted to Fallouts (and many smaller ones) and over 1300 people registrated in Shamo Forum :)

Poland Fallout Fans rule! :twisted: :twisted:
FalloutBoy144 said:
Hmm... Poland is the biggest in terms of fans, but in terms of action...
Pray elaborate? What do you define as action? We've got numerous projects underway, and ones that are already complete, too...

PS. I do not mean any chouvinistic prattle. I myself am very impressed at the work my compatriots do. And I hope it'll be for the good of Fallout fans worldwide
Translations Swanslations

I hate the fact some countries actually dub their movies or games. It completely destroys them, sometimes...

Take Jack Nicholson, for example. The guy has a legendary voice. A few weeks ago, I saw a part of one of his films - dunno which one - on a French network... And they actually dubbed his voice. It was freaking horrible.

Same with games. And ESPECIALLY Planescape:Torment... Argh...

I can just imagine the Dutch translation:

De Naamloze: "Mijn tijd is gekomen."

Van-De-Gratie-Gevallen:"Tijd is je vijand niet. Voor altijd is."

I always buy the versions in the native language of the makers of the game - wether it be English, German or French - because only then it conveys the complete athmosphere the game/movie was trying to create...
Translations suck.
Silencer said:
FalloutBoy144 said:
Hmm... Poland is the biggest in terms of fans, but in terms of action...
Pray elaborate? What do you define as action? We've got numerous projects underway, and ones that are already complete, too...

PS. I do not mean any chouvinistic prattle. I myself am very impressed at the work my compatriots do. And I hope it'll be for the good of Fallout fans worldwide

Anythnig that these guys make, i'll be more then happy to try out.

I was looking at some old petitions, and noticed that there were not as many polish names on the list as there should be. Also i haven't heard/read of any finished projects your "compatriots" made. A link would be helpful.

I'm not saying anything bad about the Poles (as if i care), i'm just noticing that they are a huge part of our gaming community and yet a nation with the least finished projects (although tons underway, as any other). :shock:
For one thing, check out Awaken - that ought to be fun. You ca download the english version from NMA download section, I believe. As for other projects, well, there are some minor, yet very functional and nice mods like B-Team. And are you familiar with the 1.05b patch? This is a credit to Celestial.

As for the "work in progress" type of projects, they're innumerable - but then again, they don't count, do they ;)

Have fun and keep an eye out for more - you may want to vistit Vault Dwellers Home Page sometimes for news of various projects. But then again, when we do complete a major project, everyone's going to be taking about it ;)