
I still get these temporarily things which sound like that TV tune when nothing's one (standby time some channels have)

That's probably the best description of it I've ever heard.

I've had the same thing since I was 16. I mostly blamed music and guns until reading the last couple posts... figure maybe my old computer(s) might have had a hand in it as well.

It's always there and I can always hear it. It's only annoying if there's nothing else to listen to; so annoying, in fact, that without a fan, TV or music I'm pretty much forced to drink myself to sleep.
From playing music really f'in loud and going to a lot of shows, I have this problem. I try whenever I can to wear earplugs at loud venues.

It keeps me from sleeping sometimes when it turns into that 'locusts /buzzing/swarming noise'. Take a melatonin pill, turn on some low background music at night (not just white noise)... works wonders.

But yeah, from what I understand, you can damage your eardrums permenantly from one over-the-threshold exposure to relaly loud noise.
^ One word post! ^

I got mild tinnitus when it's quiet around me. Sometimes I've managed to focus on it and made it go away so it's probably some mental thing.
Since I have a lot of hearing loss (severe-profound (almost completely deaf) I have it 24/7. But when I wear my hearing aids I don't notice it as much. I sugguest some constant noise. There are a number of clock radios and CD that have features which includes playing Ocean/wind/white noise continuously. Or just use a tabletop fan.
I have it too to some degree, I think it was worse when I was a child, I remember noticing it profoundly if I were to sit in my mother's Chrysler (the first realy good car she owned -with very strong door seals) with the ignition off. I've had other oddments manifest themselves as well, sometimes hearing in one ear will go for a few moments and come right back, and once in a disturbing episode over a decade ago (I remember distinctly because my father still had his Marantz speakers) everything took on the aspect of an echo chamber, but this was gone by morning and never manifested itself. I used to get ear infections frequetly at a child which certainly explains it. I can only hear it under very perfect conditions -the sealed car, etc. As I am never in such conditions -even the tiny whir of my computer's fans drowns it out, and if I am away it is usually in a hotel with an air conditioner, the last time I remember it distinctly was durring a large blackout several years ago, everything shut off for miles around. I also have excellent hearing for high frequencies, I can hear the 10KhZ squeel form a television picture tube and those stupid electronic pest repellent things. The shrieking of children is painful to me, yet another reason why I hate them.
I've had, hopefully, a transient tinnitus inhabiting my ears this entire day since I, at work, was dumb enough to not wear earplugs whilst working in a noisy environment; although it's barely, I can still hear a small ringing in my ears.

This thread is teh destiny. I hope it will end soon, so I can use my Superhuman Bat-hearing again.