Tip : pass Preoria without tribal death

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RE: in preoria, is there a way to save the tribals?

Well Rad-X is for the Whachutu shaman , magic peebles , that he blessed , :))))))))
RE: in preoria, is there a way to save the tribals?


( and keep the batterie , as they come in mighty handy whaen u get the gatling gun , laser one ... :) )
Sorry for raising such an ancient topic (almost 10 years lol), but iirc NMA policy is to search before creating another, so here goes my doubt (the vualt wikia didn't help me on this):

The addiction message when using drugs on the turrets is for real, or is it just part of the bug (I suppose all the 'turret-drug' deal is a huge bug, not an intentional cheat left by developers)?

TL;DR = using drugs on turrets makes the recruits become addict like the message says, or not? Can I safely use drugs in the turrets, despite of the messages saying Farsight (example) got afterburner addiction?
I'm 40.000% positive that I used it in the turret. If somehow the recruit himself somehow ingested the drug, it's a bug in the bug :lol:

Anyway, I decided to spend some shotgun shells on the turrets at point blank, and did their job nice. No need to spend drugs (which I rarely use, too, but there's way more ammo than drugs).

Thanks, brother.
So I just finished this mission and nobody was killed, stealing ammo from turrets in the village didn't helped actually, turrets were shooting even without ammo lol, drugging turrets didn't helped either. As someone suggested here, you will need to turn turret switch on or off and advance further.

It's 100% working but you will have to do it fast and you need at least 2 squad members otherwise it won't work:

1 - (S) Here is our switch that activates turrets outside and deactivates inside. Position someone next to that switch, the other person needs to be in (A) place.
2 - Hit the switch and run like hell from (A) to (B) and quickly hit switch again.
3 - In the red room you will have to take out those turrets (C), the best method to do it is up close standing next to turret, hehe they can't hit shit when you stand next to them.
4 - Hit the switch again, run to (D) and near the turret (T), and hit quickly switch off.



Destroy turret or leave it, and now you can get the fusion battery and repeat the whole process on your way back,
it's the easiest way.

Hope it will help someone. :D
Here's a complete explaining how you can not only quickly but also safely complete Peoria with the maximum loot and minimum ammo spent... i did it on tough guy mode with no problem.

Use diamond spears and recruits that have high melee skill: Torn, Beth, Kevin, Stumpy (watch out for some trapped desks). Take Rage as well and equip him too with a diamond spear as he'll have about 70% chance to hit the turrets without spending any point into melee. Get Kevin to have the Leader perk in order to boost the others' armor class.

You may kill only the high level surface turret by using 4 after burner gums on it as the other two turrets are on lower ground and the Leader perk will not extend to both grounds if the team is split. After burners are not very rare, loot a large quantity in Macomb, prior to Peoria. So, after taking care of the high level turret, you can deal with the other two. Those very mean surface turrets can be easily killed by placing the highest armor class recruits - Beth and Rage boosted by Kevin's Leader perk and using leather armor MKII - right next to each of the turrets, making sure the others squad members have a step back (diamond spears allows range=2) before combat is initiated by pulling the switch underground. The turret will start shooting towards its closest target (those should be the highest armor class members) and its chance to hit will be very much lowered when it's right next to it. With high enough armor class and being right next to it there'll be about zero chance to be hit.

I imagine now that it is also possible to do it without spending after burner gums on the high level turret but that would require to have Beth upstairs unassisted by the Leader perk together with Stumpy so that their hits prevent the tower from shooting uninterruptedly and also have patience pulling the switch back on and off frequently so that the action points are regenerated (the squad get some rest) in order to interrupt the turrets from shooting as many times as possible. Or just save/reload.

For safety reasons, i had the squad member (main character) pulling the switch from the prone position so that it could not get hit accidentally from the turrets below the surface, through the window.

Also, Peoria can be done with spending very little time and very little amount of 9mm ammo - which is crappy anyway - if you rush some of the bugs with diamond spears when it's quite safe (low risk of getting poisoned).
This peoria thing will net you a HUGE amount of EW AMMO for later use.

There is another trick to know for turrets in Peoria before reaching the switch that turns the surface turrets on and underground turrets off: in forced turn based mode the underground turrets don't pop up/down, you can position your squad next to the turrets more easily keeping turn based mode on (press Enter).
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