Tips/Advice for a Fallout 2 noob?

I don't think there is many followers that are meant to fight with you at the SF/Navarro area.
Better leave some at home.
I don't think there is many followers that are meant to fight with you at the SF/Navarro area.
Better leave some at home.
Sky- and K-9 can, and Cassidy if you feed him truffles and make him snipe
Humanoid companions work well at Navarro with Hardened Power Armor and Gauss guns. I hadn't been running Restoration Patch, so Marcus was super squishy because he only had his base armor. My only regret in 2 was losing Marcus, but he was a necessary sacrifice.

I finished the game quite a bit ago, but you can continue to leave tips for other noobs to stumble upon. Thanks again for all of the help.
Don't under estimate the toughness perk (With each level of this perk, you will add +10% to your general Damage Resistance.) A couple of these and all the sudden you can soak up a lot of damage that would normally kill you. Bonus movement also helps the player to escape those overwhelming battles, but just pick and choose your battles, you can't win them all.

Critical's can always be an insta kill, that the beauty of the game, you're never truly safe.

The true challenge is to play a solo game with just unarmed combat skills, it's tough but so much fun to rush into battle punching the enemies in the eyes with the slayer perk, just remember to take the mega power fist.
The true challenge is to play a solo game with just unarmed combat skills, it's tough but so much fun to rush into battle punching the enemies in the eyes with the slayer perk, just remember to take the mega power fist.
Always my preferred playthrough :mrgreen:. I think I haven't played a guns character in a Fallout game since the very early 2000's. It is a lot of fun.
It helps to have the Jinxed trait - watching everyone critically fail makes life so much easier.
Takin Sulik out of the loop is one off the worst ideas ever! Get him in Klamath ASAP and let him level up with you. Later on, he will kick ass with P90, .223mm pistol, and even Gauss pistol. Add Pover armor and super sledge, and you will only have to leave him just before goin to final location (the enemies there are too tough even for him, and the stealth approach will be impossible in this case). Cassidy from Vault City outskirts bar is great with any auto-shotgun, ad then Gauss rifle and Pulse Pistol! Vic can also use Gauss rifle, but much more lousy, and apart from that, heis useless, I usually leave him in Vault City, to replace him by Cassidy. And don't take Marcus -yes, he can use pulse rifle, but he has no armor, so by the end of the game he will probably be dead. If you insist on him, don't give him any burst weapon, he's a friendly fire master!
Just for fun, you can take Myron with you and go to Navarro with him, to see how epically he'll die thar - anyway, it's the only thing he's worth.
If your looking for a rather interesting challenge try going stealth sniper. Max the sneak, and small guns skills with some perks that buff them then just show up at places at night while sneaking to literally destroy the opposition. (preferably with a long rifle of some kind.)

If done right you can even take out the entire Navarro topside without anyone shooting at you to much. (without companions)

However if you try to start a build like this early on you will most likely die a lot because in the beginning you don't really get a chance to "prep" a location before hand. Plus most encounters are at closer range. If you do ever opt to try out a build like this don't use companions, they tend to get in the way or attract attention.
Einhanderc7, you're completely right about Navarro - I usually don't play a stealth character, I tag small guns, unarmed and either doctor or speech, then raise my energy weapons to 100+ and make them the fourth tag via perk, but I never take my party to Navarro, they always die there, and I shoot from corners and hard-to-pass places, like doorways, so they will engage me one by one, not the whole bunch together.
The restoration project is pretty good, adds a bunch of locations and things to do to the original game. Last time I checked the recommendation was to avoid the ammo mod that comes with it, someone who played it more recently might have a better idea of which of the bundled mini-mods that are worth your while.
Bringing you companions in typically endgame locations (Lost Hills, Mariposa, the Cathedral, Navarro, the Oil Rig...) means that you will have to tank at door entrance while they clean a single room and you take care of any reinforcement by yourself. If you allow them to move anywhere they want, one of them will systematically try to rush alone into the dozens of reinforcements.
Bringing you companions in typically endgame locations (Lost Hills, Mariposa, the Cathedral, Navarro, the Oil Rig...) means that you will have to tank at door entrance while they clean a single room and you take care of any reinforcement by yourself. If you allow them to move anywhere they want, one of them will systematically try to rush alone into the dozens of reinforcements.
Yeah, Ian or Sulik - both are freakin' kamikazes!
However, in Mariposain F1 it is possible to keep everyone alive while cleaning the whole place out. I even managed to keep Dogmeat till the end. Just trap them between yellow force fields, and you have 2 walking lockers to store ALL the stuff from there, and there's A LOT of it!
If they die at the Cathedral - who cares, it's final location for me anyway.
In F2 just leave them in San Fran when you're going to fight the Enclave. In Military base, however, I usually took all my party (again. TONS of stuff) and no one have ever died.
Well, i usually don't try to violent way, so the risk is usually minimal.

I did the violent playthrough recently and the option i mentioned above has the merit to keep them usefull, as they are the ones clearing a room while i deal reinforcement, then we move to another choke point when the reinforcements stop coming. Beside, it isn't necessary to do it in all map. Usually, one or two levels are really troublesome, while the others are quite a walk in the park in comparison. The Exception being the Cathedral. It was a real challenge to keep the companions, plus the followers of the apocalypse reinforcements alive as long as possible. I might try a no casualty run in the future, for this specific location. (Or rather, the vault part. I managed to keep everyone alive on the Cathedral itself)

I am also wondering how to have the dogs surviving the Horrigan fight without relying on luck. Only occurences i managed it were when Horrigan suffered an instant kill, and set them on coward. But it is a bit cheating. They did technically survived the fight, but weren't totally participating in it.
I am also wondering how to have the dogs surviving the Horrigan fight without relying on luck. Only occurences i managed it were when Horrigan suffered an instant kill, and set them on coward. But it is a bit cheating. They did technically survived the fight, but weren't totally participating in it.
Well, THIS is quiite tricky, I've never even bothered to take anyone to the oil rig with me, not to mention to the fight with Frankie, but perhaps I should try that one day.
And I'm just halfway through Adytum, only this and Cathedral remains - well, let's see who'll survive!
I managed to finish the Oil Rig with all of my companions alive, but they were all humanoids. I tried tackling the barracks, but I could never thin out the massive herd of Enclave soldiers before one of mine died. As for the Horrigan fight, I activated the defense system on him and recruited the Enclave squad to absorb the damage. Frank only killed turrets and Enclave guys, so my people were safe. I don't know how that would go with dogs, though. The power creep in Fallout 1/2 is quite huge. Oil Rig combat is only survivable for me with Reinforced Power Armor or Advanced Power Armor.
At least in Fallout 2 you can keep playing after finishing, that is what I remember. I rrrrrrrrrrrrreally need to replay this gem. Ahhh....
Not much to do sadly once FO2 is beaten.

As for FO2 tips...

Grind random encounters for free guns (good guys normally win, thus you can loot dead guys for guns and shit).

Squish every critter you see.

Get Vic and some pulse grenades and loot the Toxic Cave vault, use the grenades to 1 turn kill the sentrybot.

Boom, instant good gear.
Gawd, it's been a while since I've touched Fallout 2.
Here's some advice that hasn't already been stated:
-Don't put too much points in Repair, Science, Outdoorsman, Small Guns, and First Aid. Those skill books you find will hook you up with that.
-Take sequence perks, those help.
-Talk to every NPC you find. Usually they have some odd quest for you to do.
-Invest in the Steal skill. You can rack up experience in big cities like Reno just stealing shit from everyone. Also more loot for you.