Tips for making the best character possible


It Wandered In From the Wastes
I'm working on creating my ultimate characters. In Fallout 3 it was too easy, but in this game it's a lot different. I have concluded that it's possible to max out 6 skills and no more.

I have a couple examples of "ultimate characters" here:

"Master Combatant"- Master of all forms of combat that includes Energy Weapons, Explosives, Guns, Melee Weapons, Unarmed, and Repair.

"Ultimate Survivor"- Master of survival. This character avoids combat as much as possible and uses negotiating as his/her main weapon. Skills include Barter, Lockpicking, Mediciine, Science, Speech, and Survival.

Here are the things that I know of to get the best out of your character:

-Take note of the implants you want from the New Vegas Medical Clinic and set your Endurance so that you have the right amount to get the implants you want.
-Taking the implants gives you two extra points to the correlated skills.
-Get Comprehension to get the most points out of skill books.
-Set your Intelligence to 9, and get that Intelligence implant ASAP.

If I'm missing any go ahead and add some.
Do you mean as high special as possible + all important stats at 100?

The latter can be done with 5 int and educated, seeing that you don't need too many skills in this game.

As for SPECIAL, you may take Intense training many times in this game but at the costs of better perks, sadly.
"Ultimate Survivor"

You won't be always able to avoid combat in the wastes, thus making the character really vulnerable...

"Master Combatant"

Kind of useless, since you probably won't use more than 2 types of weapons at a time, and certainly won't want to carry them all.

IMO the best characters are the ones that start out specialized and well-balanced towards their purpose. For example Science+Energy Weps; Guns+Repair+Survival etc.
15 Skillpoints a level is more than enough so 6INT is good. You guys and thinking that MAXING out skills that dont need to be MAXED are not very resourceful. I would definitely not wan't you on my team if you we were traveling the wasteland together. 60 is all you need in speech and lockpicking and science, unless you want certain science based perks, Low barter is good for you as youll make double your money back from Caravan (unless you want packrat) If you feel it is necessisary to waste you levels on skills that dont matter past 60-70 then youre being lazy and not actually MAXING out your characters capabilities ...
DasCryborg said:
15 Skillpoints a level is more than enough so 6INT is good. You guys and thinking that MAXING out skills that dont need to be MAXED are not very resourceful. I would definitely not wan't you on my team if you we were traveling the wasteland together. 60 is all you need in speech and lockpicking and science, unless you want certain science based perks, Low barter is good for you as youll make double your money back from Caravan (unless you want packrat) If you feel it is necessisary to waste you levels on skills that dont matter past 60-70 then youre being lazy and not actually MAXING out your characters capabilities ...

Think for a bit here. Who is doing the DLC? Bethesda. So knowing them, they'll probably pull a Broken Steel DLC on us, raise the cap, and throw in some perks no one will give a shit about.

Another 10 levels? That's 150 more skill points for me and enough to cap out more skills. I wouldn't be surprised if they added the "Almost Perfect" perk.

So with all that in mind, I might have to redo my character several more times for all these perks and new additions, but this is a start.
Ausdoerrt said:
"Ultimate Survivor"

You won't be always able to avoid combat in the wastes, thus making the character really vulnerable...

"Master Combatant"

Kind of useless, since you probably won't use more than 2 types of weapons at a time, and certainly won't want to carry them all.

IMO the best characters are the ones that start out specialized and well-balanced towards their purpose. For example Science+Energy Weps; Guns+Repair+Survival etc.

They do say that you can finish the game without having to ever kill anything. The possibility is there anyway.

I carry around at least 8 different weapons. The fact that if you're combat based you'll need a high strength for stronger weapons, thus a larger capacity for weapons. Also, with two companions, with all of them with at least 200 weight capacity, leaving you to carry around as many weapons as you want. Especially once you have enough caps that you don't need to be looting.
vanzizzle said:
The fact that if you're combat based you'll need a high strength for stronger weapons, thus a larger capacity for weapons.

You can take the Weapons Handler perk, which lowers the strength requirement by 2 points, and also take that strength implant. So there shouldn't be any problems there if you're using a non-fighting character.

Although you might wanna stay off I-15 past Sloan or you'll be raped by the deathclaws if you are using a pacifist.
About that... It's easy to bypass the deathclaws. Stick to the right until you get to the base of Black Mountain at that friendly super mutant's shelter(can't remember the name), and then go in toward Black Mountain. You might encounter 2 Nightkin, then you'll see a dead NCR trooper (which you can pick his armor up to easily gain access to The Strip through the monorail) where you should climb the small incline(watch out for tumbling rocks and bear traps). And home straight to Camp McCarran/monorail.
Either way I would never take your advice in MAXING out a non combat skill as it is down right wasteful wow with a 6int educated comprehension and all the skill books and the tags that 690 skill points with a 10 and all that said above you get 750 which you waste over 120 skill points maxing out skills because you're lazy. Thus where you may have been 4 levels in skills over my 6int guy you're wasteful behavior sent you back 4 levels and my guy can do everything your guy can do and then some. So your ULTIMATE is not really ULTIMATE now is he?

I can get plus 48 to my speech skill if I really wanted to so a 52 is good enough but if I really cared about the 100speech challenges then id boost it to 60 so I saved 40 Skill points

Lock Pick I can get plus 40 to as well so 60 but 70 is a lot easier to get to 100 from so say I make it easier on my self and stay at 70 bham thats 30 skill points i've saved

Barter who the hell wants high barter? unless you want pack rat a High barter is kind of worthless as Caravan can win you back twice the money you spend so yeah getting this skill passed 50 is a waste unless you need packrat. so bham i saved 50 skill points

Science I can get plus plus 38 to that but 30 points is a lot easier so bham 70 I saved myself 30 skill points

See dude you've already Wasted 150 skill points with just those 4 skills your build to me is looking like the ultimate "waste"lander
They do say that you can finish the game without having to ever kill anything. The possibility is there anyway.

That'll be a lot of either sneaking or running away. It'd also make a good half of the quests impossible to do. It's not impossible, but not nearly as enjoyable as in FO1/2. The game's just a lot more combat-oriented, even if not as much as FO3.

I carry around at least 8 different weapons. The fact that if you're combat based you'll need a high strength for stronger weapons, thus a larger capacity for weapons.

I understand that, I just don't see why you'd do that. I guess it makes a bit of sense in early-game where you may run out of certain ammo type, but later on it's abundant. I usually carry around 5 weapons but really only use one maybe two. Practically, all you need is a high-DAM weapon for tough enemies and a high-DPS weapon for crowd control, and maybe a melee/unarmed weapon. There's no practical difference b/wguns and energy in this regard, and it'd be useless to develop both since you won't be able to take all perks to make all combat styles useful, and perks matter a lot more than skills as far as combat goes in NV, it seems.

Thankfully you do not need a whole lot of perks to make a gun/energy weapons to be good with both ... seeing as though most revolve around VATS for the gun perks where as those perks also revolve around energy. The only one I would speficially take is cowboy if I was thinking about Brush Gun and or Ranger Sequoia ... which I am sure you can fit in that perk with an energy weapons build as I have an EW&EX character who is fitting out quite nicely only problem is I tend to not let my companions follow me around I just make them wait as the many explosions often end up getting them killed.
DasCryborg said:
Either way I would never take your advice in MAXING out a non combat skill as it is down right wasteful wow with a 6int educated comprehension and all the skill books and the tags that 690 skill points with a 10 and all that said above you get 750 which you waste over 120 skill points maxing out skills because you're lazy. Thus where you may have been 4 levels in skills over my 6int guy you're wasteful behavior sent you back 4 levels and my guy can do everything your guy can do and then some. So your ULTIMATE is not really ULTIMATE now is he?

I can get plus 48 to my speech skill if I really wanted to so a 52 is good enough but if I really cared about the 100speech challenges then id boost it to 60 so I saved 40 Skill points

Lock Pick I can get plus 40 to as well so 60 but 70 is a lot easier to get to 100 from so say I make it easier on my self and stay at 70 bham thats 30 skill points i've saved

Barter who the hell wants high barter? unless you want pack rat a High barter is kind of worthless as Caravan can win you back twice the money you spend so yeah getting this skill passed 50 is a waste unless you need packrat. so bham i saved 50 skill points

Science I can get plus plus 38 to that but 30 points is a lot easier so bham 70 I saved myself 30 skill points

See dude you've already Wasted 150 skill points with just those 4 skills your build to me is looking like the ultimate "waste"lander

What is the fun in playing av game like this? I want my Character to be good at what he does (high intelligence, high barterskill, high speechcraft, etc.), as opposed to me beeing good at manipulating the games engine/technology.

I do understand that what you're saying does not have to reflect the way you enjoy to play an RPG, but it comes across as strange to me anyway.
Well my thing is I don't want to make 20builds I want to make a couple highly specialised builds and if someone wants to waste their skill points on something they dont need to then thats fine by me. You just shouldnt put out bad info for a min/maxing build.