I'm working on creating my ultimate characters. In Fallout 3 it was too easy, but in this game it's a lot different. I have concluded that it's possible to max out 6 skills and no more.
I have a couple examples of "ultimate characters" here:
"Master Combatant"- Master of all forms of combat that includes Energy Weapons, Explosives, Guns, Melee Weapons, Unarmed, and Repair.
"Ultimate Survivor"- Master of survival. This character avoids combat as much as possible and uses negotiating as his/her main weapon. Skills include Barter, Lockpicking, Mediciine, Science, Speech, and Survival.
Here are the things that I know of to get the best out of your character:
-Take note of the implants you want from the New Vegas Medical Clinic and set your Endurance so that you have the right amount to get the implants you want.
-Taking the implants gives you two extra points to the correlated skills.
-Get Comprehension to get the most points out of skill books.
-Set your Intelligence to 9, and get that Intelligence implant ASAP.
If I'm missing any go ahead and add some.
I have a couple examples of "ultimate characters" here:
"Master Combatant"- Master of all forms of combat that includes Energy Weapons, Explosives, Guns, Melee Weapons, Unarmed, and Repair.
"Ultimate Survivor"- Master of survival. This character avoids combat as much as possible and uses negotiating as his/her main weapon. Skills include Barter, Lockpicking, Mediciine, Science, Speech, and Survival.
Here are the things that I know of to get the best out of your character:
-Take note of the implants you want from the New Vegas Medical Clinic and set your Endurance so that you have the right amount to get the implants you want.
-Taking the implants gives you two extra points to the correlated skills.
-Get Comprehension to get the most points out of skill books.
-Set your Intelligence to 9, and get that Intelligence implant ASAP.
If I'm missing any go ahead and add some.