Titus site gone?

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
In reply to Odin's earlier newsbit about Interplay employees being in the dark, Interplay techie Corith replied this on our forums:<blockquote>In the dark is an understatment.

The Titus site is also gone... poof. I tried the phones, at the corp office. Disconnected. It was there as late as this morning now poof gone.</blockquote>After checking, I also found the Titus site indeed missing, but on the other hand, the Robocop site, for instance, is still there. Might all just be temporary, we will keep you posted.
Briosafreak said:
But it went back again Saint, then it was taken off the day after the "redressement judiciaire".

*nods* Aye, it has been back for some time

It's been back after the redressement judiciare too, y'know. At least I think so.