Todd Howard on DLC

Yes Todd. You kept the footprint of the aliens small in Fallout 3, unlike "Fallout classic". Everyone knows that, in the originals, the aliens had a huge part to play. They weren't just easter eggs or anything.

Keep up the good work Todd. You are what keeps up my faith in humanity.
Zaij said:
Do you think he goes to sleep hating himself, or is he oblivious to the damage he does?

What's terrible about that thought is that you feel bad in both cases.

I can't really find myself to actually hate anyone, short of them being an absolute monster.. At the end of the day, I always think: Guy has a family to feed, and a job. If the masses want repetitive corridors and shooting, and they're willing to fork over their money for that, which pays the bills -- it happens.

It's counter-intuitive to my selfish instincts of: "Jesus Christ, what the @*#$ are you doing with Fallout, but.."

..In the end; who do we blame? The public for being so stupid - or the developer(s) for indulging in their stupidity? Or - should we blame ourselves, for having felt the warmth and intellectual bliss of the original Fallouts - perhaps we're the ones that are strange.

"The road to hell was paved with good intentions."