Well this isn't much Fallout news, but if you've been looking forward to a Turn Based RPG that has potential, you'd better look at The Temple of Elemental Evil. It's an D&D RPG done by Troika, the Troika crew consists of Tim Cain, Leonard Boyarsky (they worked on FO1 and 2) and more people of course. They're having a developer chat about this game, here's the info about that chat:<blockquote>We will answer! RPG Codex will be hosting a developer chat with the Temple of Elemental Evil team on #rpgcodex on irc.gamesnet.net. The chat will take place at 8pm EST, 5pm PST on Thursday, May 1st. You will need an IRC client to participate.</blockquote>I'd advise you guys to check out this game and drop in on the chat, this game is looking to be the first and only D&D game I might like..