Ah, thanks, I see what did wrong now. I missed that critters have their own section and script counter a bit below.vad said:When you add some script to some object, Fallout creates new script record in appropriate sequence (replaces junk record or adds new block). If you add one script to two objects, two new records will be created. Each script record has unique for this map identifier and Fallout writes this identifier to object record at offset 0x0040.
Since each sequence is used for definite type of object, if you sum records from all sequences that should be all scripts which are present on the map.
Where the Obj_dude script goes as well.
So I erroneously thought only one instance of a script was counted.
Checking out a map with more scripts made it easier to see.
It looks as if scenery scripts and items scripts are lumped together though. That should mean that a map with lots of scenery or items scripts should be more prone to crashing. I guess I will check that out later.
EDIT: Damn, why didn't anyone tell me that if I save a map into a text file with the Mapper, I can actually read all this stuff.
It obviously don't work for the broken maps, but at least I can see what they normally are supposed to look like.
Edit2: A higher amount of scenery scripts on a map seems to have no effect.
Edit3: Fuck I'm getting annoyed with this. One minute I think I'm on to something and the next everything's wrong.
I'll try again...
I think the problem is that items share the same space as scenery and stationary items in the script section.
I think it has something to do with that space that is reserved for one block of 16 scripts.
Maps that don't have any scripts from the scenery/items group don't have any reserved space there, they don't have a problem removing all scripts, and they don't crash.
I think it starts to happen when you add 17 scripts temporarily (Maps with brahmin poo in the RP was an exception.), ie 1 more script than a full block. I don't know if they get added wrong or if the problem is only removing them.
I saw a script that had 3 blocks (2*16 + 6), it only removed the last block with 6 scripts, even if it was supposed to remove 1 more block.
Oh well, feel free to chip in...