Top 10 RPGs of all time at eToychest

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
eToychest has a pretty good list of the top-10 CRPGs of all time. I think we all know number 6:<blockquote>Fallout has everything that makes a great and memorable role-playing game. It contains a terrific, deep, and well told story, complex characters you can relate to, and lots of things to do outside the main story. In fact, Fallout is the very definition of non-linear. What makes this even more interesting is the choices made throughout this adventure genuinely affect the game world. Even the ending is reflective of the choices made throughout the game.

Fallout’s character development system is also something of a marvel. It is skill based – not class-based – which allows for all sorts of customizations and character molding so players can genuinely make their character over time as they see fit.

Fallout is one of the most ideal role-playing games created. It is a spectacular example of a well-done computer role-playing game, and no fan of the genre should be without it.</blockquote>Interplay and BIS are well-represented on the list, with Fallout, Wasteland, A Bard's Tale and Planescape all making it into the list.

Link: Top 10 CRPGs of all time on eToychest

Spotted at RPGDot
Interesting list they have there, glad to see that one site at least knows some history. As much as I like Deus Ex it doesn't belong on that list though, and there's no way that Chrono Trigger or Final Fantasy are better RPG's than Fallout. More appealing to a general audience, yes - but better? No way.
Number six? No way! They ought to have put it at least two numbers higher :( (Or lower, depends how you view it :))

I'm quite surprised that Wasteland is there. I didn't expect it to be more widely remembered (that is to say, outside the community of post-apoc freaks and die hard oldie-goodie lovers ;) )
I agree with one of the comments at the bottom, no Ultima games? Ultima VII is the finest RPG (Except Fallout, of course) to ever grace any system.

Deus Ex is simply not an RPG, it just doesn't feel like one, and it's storyline is cliched and dull. Although it's a good game.

Any 'console' RPG like a Final Fantasy or Chrono Trigger doesn't belong in a list of great RPG's because they're more like levelling simulators, combined with a button pressing simulator. Walk, fight, walk, fight, walk, fight, throw game in bin.
I've heard of people playing Wizardry 7 non-stop for up to seven months. Still, it's a shame Ultima isn't there, although I only played the seventh... and the first two ;)
Console RPGs suck anyway... except for Anachronox that actually works only on the PC :). I wish I liked them cause there are too few good PC RPGs. I can't even make my own top 10:

1. Fallout 2
2. Planescape: Torment
3. Arcanum
4. Fallout
5. Baldur's Gate 2 (+ Addon)
6. Star Wars: KOTOR
7. ?
8. ?
9. ?
10. ?

Well, I could probably, but 7-10 would be way worse or outdated than 1-6.
The actual name of the list should be:

"Games I Like That Are Called CRPGs or Could Be Called That If I Just Counted Stats (from the perspective of a 14 year-old)."

1. Dungeon Cralwer. While a good game, the idiot might have wanted to put a real CRPG in the place. One such a Ultima IV, for giving birth to new considerations in CRPGs, your actions actually matter outside of the main storyline, and it pretty much sparked off the CRPG genre when before it was mainly Adventure with RPG stat systems. Of course, I would hazard a guess it was released before he could teethe on the box.
2. Good example, a CRPG (or rather, CRPG/RTS hybrid). Its place is still questionable, for the most part, but it does seem to fare better than most of the erroniously credited titles and missing titles.
3. Another Adventure game called a CRPG. Oh, hey, I changed Espers! I R ROOL-PLAYYING NOW!
4. FPS with stats. The situation changing depending on who you saved and how you did it was pretty good, but it's hardly a CRPG because of it. Branching story paths are not wholly excusive to the CRPG genre.
5. Adventure. There's incredibly few true RPGs for the console. Mostly, they are Adventure games given stats, offer nowhere near the gameplay experience of a P&P RPG play, so this item was crack induced.
6. RPG, of course.
7. Strategy, with some RPG elements. Not a bad pick.
8. RPG, and again of dubious placement. "The Bard’s Tale was a first person role-playing dungeon crawl like none other before it, and it still stands today as one of the most challenging, and influential role-playing adventures that can be experienced. "
9. "Taking the tried and true adventure game formula and casting it in a role playing mold, complete with combat and character stats, the Quest for Glory series was obviously quite an experimental venture for the established company." Well, it's good to see someone fell for the publisher definition of CRPG. I'm still wondering how this got ahead of Wasteland.
10. RPG, though the placement is completely wrong, "Honestly, Wasteland took role-playing to a new level. It offered players an epic game world, both in terms of things to do, as well as sheer size and scope. Plus its unique skill based character-building system made it as innovative and original as it was engaging to experience. Best of all, this is all wrapped up in a game that tells a fantastically captivating story. Add to this a tremendous challenge and what you have is a timeless RPG for the ages."

Not surprising and typical of most newbies to the industry, it seems like they have missed Ultima and a number of other great games, instead posting those their mothers would buy for them out of the bargain bin, or they could easily get ahold of. I.E. Download off from The Underdogs or some abandonware site. Some kids have no understanding of the differences between the Adventure sub-genres.
Any list like this is pretty useless unless you define exactly what you're rating the games by - nostalgia, technical achievement, playability, replayability, design, plot, personal experience and preferences, historical significance, etc. etc. Fallout 2 is immensely more popular than Fallout, but if you're writing a historical review it's pretty irrelevant. Chrono Trigger has some of, possibly THE best music, character design and sense of wonder ever seen in a game, but doesn't belong in the same genre as Fallout. Torment has possibly the best storytelling, but I've still only played it once whereas I've played both Fallouts over and over again. Surely if CT and Pool of Radiance are RPGs, Eye of the Beholder and Dungeon Master are as well. You get to the point where your choice of judgement criteria determines the contents of the list, or else you just start out with a vague idea of what games should be on it, and it becomes arbitrary anyway.