Top 5 People-you-hate-list!

Schuljunge said:
I didn´t knew that the intolerance of people is so high here.

Oh, and HOW! There's kind of a tenure system in place here. If you're old, you're gold. If you're new... you're goo. Don't take it personally ;-)

While we're here, and hating, though... (Keep in mind these are all hypothetical. I probably know and love many that fit such descriptors, but the existence of such people in plural makes me want to end humanity.)

5.) People who don't want to sound racist/sexist/etc, but...

Say it or don't. You're a bigot or you're not, and it's my call, not yours. Your cunningly deployed qualifiers can't help you now.

4.) Religious fundamentalists. Note how I don't say religious nuts. Any faith open to questioning and amending is alright by me. Conversely, anyone who can look me in the eye and tell me that Cain went into the east and fathered a dynasty when the only other woman on Earth was his mom should be removed from the gene pool without fuss or delay, as they're obviously kind of hazy on how the whole thing works anyway. And don't even get me started on Jihad...

3.) 99% of Republican voters and 98.5% of Democrats.

2.) Anyone who presumes to accuse me of being a liar, especially if they don't know me. It's just a thing with me. The very few times in my life when matters have nearly come to blows, they were matters concerning my integrity.

1.) The ignorant. This handy catch-all comprises every person or group who, through their existence or influence, represent a detriment to humanity. Suffice it to say, it's a catch all for most politicians, liberals, conservatives, clergy, executives, soccer moms, thug-lifers, criminals, bullies, apologists, yes-men, advertisers, activists, lobbyists, and, come to think of it, most of the people I know. And probably most of you. And me.

Again, this is all hypothetical.

After Edit: And I started writing this up before DarkLegacy ever responded, in case there's any question about #5 on the list.
1. George W. Bush

God, you'd think that someone with that much money could buy some speach classes and learn how to talk. And his politics...

2-a. The people who re-elected him
2-b. The poeple who elected him.

You'll notice I put the people who re-elected him first. That is because these dumb motherfuckers voted for the asshole twice, once after having already had four years of his mismanagement and stupidity at the helm of our country.

3. That Airforce-1 stewardess who gave Bush the Heimlich maneouver.

Damn, I wish she'd been a crib death. On a side note, isn't it amusing that the US president, surrounded by senators, congressmen, and thirty secret service agents, starts choking on a pretzel and the only person that knows the Heimlich is the "lowly" stewardess?

4. Organized Religion

I have no problem with religion, any religion. I HATE the organizations that control them. If Catholics all stayed home and prayed privately, then all of those cases of priests molesting little kids would never have happened.

5. Child molesters and rapists

I lump these two together because we're supposed to keep it to five. I actually hate them more than the others, because I have friends and family who have been hurt by both, and because it's WRONG do do what they do. However, they got number five because I just got done reading an article about Bush's next piece of tactical genius in the "War on Terror." You want terror? Talk to any of our boys over in the Sandbox, and you will hear about terror. When anything that moves could be the thing that kills you, THAT'S terror.

Sorry for the Bush rant, but... on second thought, no I'm not. I hate that stupid, hilljack son of a bitch.
1) Fanatical Christians (or any other religious fundamentalists, for that matter). "-Why did you vote for Bush?" "-Because he's a better Christian". "-Why do you believe that X idea/myth/rumor/aspect of history is false and Y is true?" "-Because the Bible/koran/Pope/Archbishop says Y is true, and therefore believers of X are surely sinners that will go to hell when the Dawn of Meggido is upon us!". Religion begins right at the point where reason stops.

2) Console fanboys. "The console rocks because you have to upgrade your PC every year to run games! Plus you can play a console at the leisure of your couch as opposed to an uncomfortable office chair. Yeah, PCs suck! Consoles are the future!" (bad spelling and/or the inclusion of leet speak in the above phrase has been fixed for aesthetic reasons). Sheesh, such people make me want to destroy the internet (even though I'd have to find a new way to distribute porn if it came to that...)

3) Mainstream PC Gaming press. "X game is truly the greatest game of the year! Its graphics are superb, plus you can ride a horse!!!!". "Y game truly disappointed us. Its graphics are outdated and it doesn't have a fully-voiced dialogue system! OMG!". That pretty much sums up how major gaming sites/magazines perceive a "good" game. And it's even more annoying that people actually agree with views like these.

4) Olympiacos Football club, and its fanboys. A Greek Football club that has been favoured by the state and won nearly every championship in the past few years with controversial referee decisions, yet some people just can't see that this is actually a bad thing and will flame everyone who expresses that opinion. Not to mention that its owner, Socrates Kokalis, has been involved in nearly every scandal that has surfaced in Greece in the near past, from connections to foreign Secret Services to Weapons Smuggling to Political bribing, yet is still free to do as he wishes. Gah!

5) The Ignorant people who cannot seem to understand that "Patriotism" and "Nationalism" (or "Ethnism" and "Ethnicism" respectively in Greek) are not the same thing, and will proceed to immediately tag someone as "fascist" or "neo-nazi" simply for loving and supporting his country.
hate the critics i don't agree with.when i see an article on some piece of music, movie, book that's against my good judgement i feel like spitting them.
what i think bothers me the most ... is that i know there are people who will follow that freak's opinion.
it's ok to speak your mind, but trying to make your ideas something to be fallowed , influencing others on purpose ... it sucks
its not his fault, he just thinks what he likes is the best thing to like, and the rest makes no sense to him.

hate the shopkeepers who look down at you,and have the impression they're doing you a favor,that you need them... and hurry you to decide what you are going to buy ... fuck that. like he/she/it(freakin shit) is goin somewhere ... no you're not!!at your 40's you clearly wont find a better job, you could do an effort to smile and be polite... act like a human being ffs! not like a slave.

hate the ones not minding their own business ... always picking on the weaker one.the ones picking on bums and beggars. There's so many of them doing it, that the poor souls come to believe they are worthless trash.
just like that australian guy who got waked ... harassing animals all day long.

you know your uncle\aunt or grandfather\mother who hates electronics ... who wants nothing to do with hi-tech... sci-fi movies, who's afraid of trying something new...and keeps asking you the instructions... to lead him step by step, and never takes a chance ?
i hate her! of course it doesn't mean only elderly people are like that ...

i hate the guy who stands there on the court not giving a fuck,while his teammates are giving their souls for the win.
the guy who doesn't put up a fight...and remains a spectator,who lacks the ambition to prove something to someone at least once in his life.i hate myself for coming so close to this guy.
Sander said:
No, you don't hate them for their skin colour, but you do hate them for their actions, which you associate with skin colour. Which is hence just as racist.
Now, if you hate the whole 'black pride' attitude or whatever, that isn't racist. But hating all blacks for actions committed by some of them is pretty much the definition of racist.

Psch, yeah, let's blame rap instead of the people themselves. That's essentially the same reasoning that some people apply to gaming: it would encourage and inspire violent acts.

I revise my statement. I hate everyone that acts stupid, equally. :)
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
Except Kari Byron. She fills my heart up with joy and happy bunnies.
I'm sorry but she's spoken for... I hear she hates insects as well :twisted:
I wouldn't use the word hate but the 5 people that annoy the piss out of me

1. People that have everything in life handed to them. - This most likely includes rich, famous, or extremely attractive people that never have to work a day in their life and always tend to turn out to be jerks

2. Selfish people. - There are a billion other people on this planet. Life would be better for everyone if people didnt think about themselves every waking moment.

3. People that take life way too serious. - Shit happens and a lot of times its funny. take a break fromworrying about war/politics/economics/the enviornment/ect. and go out with your friends and get wasted.

4. People that complain a lot. - This goes along w/ #3. If your dissatisfied with something or someone, do something about it and shut the fuck up. Your annoying everyone around you.

5. People that refuse to drink without a reason/ Males that drink but refuse to drink beer. I can understand if you or someone you know iss an alcoholic or if you've had bad experiences in the past but if not you can't be scared to try new things. And for those in the 2nd category take the dildo out of your ass and put back a cold one.
prez, there are some people who just dislike the taste of beer? not me, but still, it's possible.

and what's wrong with refusing to drink?
sure, straight edgers are taking it too far, but not drinking is a personal choice. nothing wrong with that.

i for one refuse to drink coca cola / fanta / sprite & all that other crap. no real reason except i don't like em & they're bad for you anyway. applying your logic says you dislike me for not drinking coke?

you're weird :s
The vast majority of people i meet are between the ages of 18-25 so my list is generalized towards them. Notice how non-drinkers are the last on my list and it's not a 'hate' list it's 'annoying people' list.

Basically the 'people who don't drink' is not the fact that they don't drink... its the fact that they are the type of people that are scared to get out of their comfort zone and try new things.

Now if your Male and you drink alcohol but you refuse to drink beer - in my world that makes you a pussy (the only exception is if you substitute straight hard liquor in it's place).

a last thought: Maybe i don't like non-drinkers because i can't relate to them and all my great stories are worthless to them because they can't comprehend what it's like to get completely wasted get in a fight at Denny's, skip out on the bill, steal a car, and drive home intoxiated.
[PCE said:
el_Prez] 2. Selfish people. - There are a billion other people on this planet. Life would be better for everyone if people didn't think about themselves every waking moment.
Then would it(life) be better if we would sacrifice ourselfs for the lesser beings. Cause this is who we all rationalize the thing, we are the one that is the best, cause it is us, so we can make the desition to take lives, to build dreams, to conquer the world, so we can strive to became even better. We are the dominant species in this world, and we shall be the only capable species that can, in the near future, move out from the orbit of this world. And so we have a responsibility to be great.

[PCE said:
el_Prez]Now if you are a male, and you drink alcohol, but you refuse to drink beer...
Maybe one doesn't want to see himself as a fat old fart that has a huge belly, cause he drank too much of beer, just to get shlashed, and to die to a heart attack before knife even touched the skin.
that's kinda sad... needing alcohol for you to accept people. not to mention your "great stories" are reckless and moronic. "i'm teh cool coz i totally recklessly endanger other people by driving a stolen car totally shitfaced and i'm teh bomb coz i get into fights at the pub! whoreship me!"

newsflash: stealing a car aint cool, fighting in the pub aint cool, driving shitfaced aint cool...

granted, i have enough of stupid stories myself, but i dont go around pretending they're great stories & that people who've never gotten shitfaced dont understand them and are therefor inferior lifeforms.
SuAside said:
... and i'm teh bomb coz i get into fights at the pub! whoreship me!"

Denny's isn't a pub, it's a family restaurant.

Just saying.
Jarno Mikkola said:
[PCE said:
el_Prez] 2. Selfish people. - There are a billion other people on this planet. Life would be better for everyone if people didn't think about themselves every waking moment.
Then would it(life) be better if we would sacrifice ourselfs for the lesser beings. Cause this is who we all rationalize the thing, we are the one that is the best, cause it is us, so we can make the desition to take lives, to build dreams, to conquer the world, so we can strive to became even better. We are the dominant species in this world, and we shall be the only capable species that can, in the near future, move out from the orbit of this world. And so we have a responsibility to be great.

Notice I said 'every waking moment'. Of course you have to look out for #1 but all day every day?

Jarno Mikkola said:
[PCE said:
el_Prez]Now if you are a male, and you drink alcohol, but you refuse to drink beer...
Maybe one doesn't want to see himself as a fat old fart that has a huge belly, cause he drank too much of beer, just to get shlashed, and to die to a heart attack before knife even touched the skin.

Thats why God Invented light beer.

that's kinda sad... needing alcohol for you to accept people. not to mention your "great stories" are reckless and moronic. "i'm teh cool coz i totally recklessly endanger other people by driving a stolen car totally shitfaced and i'm teh bomb coz i get into fights at the pub! whoreship me!"

newsflash: stealing a car aint cool, fighting in the pub aint cool, driving shitfaced aint cool...

granted, i have enough of stupid stories myself, but i dont go around pretending they're great stories & that people who've never gotten shitfaced dont understand them and are therefor inferior lifeforms.

You've got a way of twisting words.

I didn't say it was cool, nor did i demand people to worship me. Just as well i don't need alcohol for people to accept me. I also didn't say that I thought people who don't drink are inferior. It's just a crazy story that happend one night and every person i've told untill this point has thought that it was funny.

And trust me I don't have to tell crazy stories or do crazy shit to make friends or get people to think I'm cool. I have enough friends damn near everyone that parties in Flagstaff AZ enjoys me and my friends' company.
1.Paris Hilton.Public skank #1.

2.Mr.Nick Simpson.Latchey for the unknowing..what a f'n loser. :roll:

3.Henry Kissinger.Could this fucker be any more wrong,i mean why the fuck do people listen to him when he is obviously hitting the pipe?

4.Mom and Dad.Those fuckers made me,didn't they ever hear of..I don't know..THE FUCKIN PILL! (or at the least the pullout method).

5.God.The world goes on despite my most intense wishes.(Hey asshole i wasn't giving a hundred Hail Mary's a day in CCD for my health).Jackoff.