Torchlight - digital download Diablo clone by Diablo devs

Had this game for over a month now and have just started playing it. It's crazy just how much like Diablo it is. From the controls to the game's structure, to weapon names, it's basically Diablo 1.5. Even the music is actually done by Matt Uelmen, who composed for both Diablos.

For me, this is a very good thing as it is a quality clone. The game feels ridiculously polished, the music is obviously great, the graphics are actually pretty amazing (looks just as good up close), and the gameplay is 100% Diablo.

Some things I don't like: the voice acting ranges from great to absolute crap; although the visuals are good, the cartoony style doesn't fit very well with the tone of everything else; the softer atmosphere is not nearly as awesome as Diablo's; there is no good setup for what's going on, it's just sort of happening; the quests are uninteresting so far.

I definitely recommend it though, especially for Diablo fans. I have not finished it but I'm quite a ways in and the game IS very good. It's also the most polished budget title I've ever played. I honestly wouldn't regret paying 40 bucks for it.