Toss a rock, hit a Fallout 3 preview

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Not sure where we're going with this but I wanted to contribute.
It's pretty sad that people at beth forums are actually screaming for a NMA exclusive preview, while the gaming journalists have a "Burn the witches" mentality with the fanbase. I have never seen anyone so vocally opposed to a fanbase, and this is not a very nerdy fanbase. I don't see Grizzly and BN dressing up in power-armor and yiffing at conventions while arguing the philosophy of Fallout with people who haven't even played the game, and shunning them for not. Someone needs to direct this hate towards the StarWars fan base, which is to that point of "Nerdcore" . Wait, we can't, cause everyone loves Starwars and that would be a sin.

Out there, the beth devs are humans, just like us. If they read this forums, news comments, they must realize that they're raping the series but they just cant admit it, right? Because thats their job, they're hired to make fallout 3 and even if they like it or not, they must say what they are told to. Though if they dont realize that, they must be retarded. Also I wonder if the people responsible for the game design(I don't know their exact names) really think they're doing a good fallout game, or they're just lying themselves like rest of the devs?
Those reviews are like reading the same thing over and over and over and over and over again.

So, we have new and exciting ways to . . . um . . .
You can blow stuff up, kill stuff and put holes in stuff. Duke Nukem 3D.
You can pause the game to rethink your strategy. Every game since Pac Man.
You have 20+ hours of gameplay. How about Prince of Persia, the 1st part, especially if you suck?
You walk around a huge world. Commander Keen 1,2,3,4,5,6. It even had a world map.
And that's not going into the Fallout or Wasteland Franchises.

Actually, the way I see it, the game looks like the old Sin game, mixed with some Max Payne with an added dog. So innovative. I can barely hold my breath.

Oh wait, I forgot. Thus far we have a crappy storyline, hype around non-gameplay-related elements (Liam Neeson), no child killing, slaughter of general design, no child killing, running, parkour ghouls, with the addition of ghoul-clerics and a BFG. And no child killing.
perhaps they'll add the ability to use the "B" button and throw your little red rubber ball at the children at your birthday party. (which, I must say, is part of one of the most dumbed down character creation systems I have ever heard of)

Do I really need a couple of halfassed limericks and cute little drawings in a children's book to understand what Perception is? NO. I would, however, like to know what skills it affects and how it will be used by the game to determine skill checks..

I should be able to RTFM like a reasonable and intelligent human being, and have it's in-game application explained to me.

For some reason, I really doubt that we'll be seeing a comprehensive manual beyond the in-game "You're Special!!!1!" book.

Give me a manual and a character creation screen, or don't bother pretending that there are meaningful stats in this game.
whirlingdervish said:
I should be able to RTFM like a reasonable and intelligent human being, and have it's in-game application explained to me.
You should realize by now that the game isn't created for you!
touche' monseur black..


Actually, I realized just last night that I probably won't be buying Fallout 3, so they are probably right for not designing it and it's supplemental materials (if any) with me in mind.

I haven't seen it substantiated yet, but I heard a rumor that Fallout 3 will ship with Games for Windows Live software..

Can anyone confirm this?

I don't need another lump of bloatware on my system. I already have steam.
My favourite part of the new previews: "talking" Dogmeat who's very knowledgeable about the area.

Dogmeat: Woof!

VD: What's that, boy? A stimpak down the well?

Dogmeat: Woof woof!

VD: But it's protected by three super-fast, leaping feral ghouls? Oh noes!!!11

Dogmeat: Woof woof woof!

VD: Good idea, you'd better go back to the Vault. After all, you can die PERMANENTLY. I'll take on these crazy zombies- er, ghouls, myself.
Ghouls come in three varieties: harmless, "Feral" ghouls who consume human flesh, and "Glowing Ones" who absorb radiation and heal other zombies.
Take that people who were saying "but they're not zombies!".
heh "not-zombie"...
thats what they said in Resident Evil 4, but I wasn't fooled.

If it walks like a zombie, lusts for brains to eat like a zombie and it groans unintelligently like a zombie, IT'S A ZOMBIE!
It's just flat out pathetic to see the "reviews" these people write. It's very clear that they've never played Fallout1/2 for any length of time because of the grossly incorrect statements they publish.

It's been somewhat difficult to watch Bethesda bastardize this game. Even when the truth is right in front of them (NMA) the masses live on in their ignorance. It's the first time I've really been able to follow the creation and release of a game (with what little info we have) so it's a new experience for me. It's not like I'm traumatized for life or anything stupid like that, but it's pretty annoying since I enjoy FO1/2 so much.
nobuo said:
It's not like I'm traumatized for life or anything stupid like that, but it's pretty annoying since I enjoy FO1/2 so much.

Pretty much as everyone here - we're not Star Wars fanbois after all and aren't locked in our childhood, in spite of how Bethesda tries to show us.