Total War: Warhammer?

Agreed, especially as Warhammer no longer exists anymore. They replaced with this Age of Sigmar shit. But we have Dawn of War as a great alternative.

To be honest I'm more excited for Mordheim, and I would like to see Necromunda and Gorkamorka as video games instead. While I like the idea of Total War Warhammer, I think that Total War is too buggy. My favourite will always be Medieval 1, where you could assassinate your heirs and create a civil war. Where you could use spies to unleash dirty gossip on your generals. That upriot when my general was found to be a gay... oh and you could have generals burned by inquisitors. The combat was alright (I personally enjoyed it, even though the graphics are bad).

There is an interesting message at the end of the trailer, i hope everyone who sees this will cast a thumbsdown on the video, because this shit is getting ridiculous.... I may just reconsider getting this at all.
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Faction DLC announced half a year before the game is set to release. Fantastic. We totally did this as something extra guys, it's not at all like we're chopping parts out of the game and charging you extra for it.
Faction DLC announced half a year before the game is set to release. Fantastic. We totally did this as something extra guys, it's not at all like we're chopping parts out of the game and charging you extra for it.

It's also interesting to note, that it seems like the game is based on a period that is very important to chaos (someone correct me if i'm wrong, i heard it from a video), so it's double anal penetration... Is there any other industry that is shafting its customers that hard (not including industries of basic needs, like pharmacy)?
Do we have any pictures or videos outside of a few ones that shows battles in the same map or the UI for campaign map? Im not really hopeful for this game and have a feeling that it will disappoint greatly yet again(especially after paying money to ROME II collectors edition and not playing it more than 10 hours). But I love Warhammer a lot and their stupid marketing gimmick is working for me since they are giving a replica of the fucking Great Book of Grudges, fucking grudge ring and a horn with collectors edition. Using dwarves as the main marketing race was a really good idea since they became even more popular thanks to Hobbit trilogy.

But the fucking game is set very close to End Times(may even be End Times) and they are releasing Chaos a preorder dlc and first day dlc faction. This is a good enough proof for me that we are getting another ROME II and I shouldnt be spending any money. But unfortunately they are marketing the game with dorfs.

Note for people who dont follow Warhammer: End Times was a game event that recently happened and ended the known Warhammer universe after everyone started backstabbing and attacking each other, dinosaurs leaving the world on their Aztec pyramid spaceships and at the end of the day Chaos winning. This is why making Chaos a dlc faction is wrong for this game in my opinion.

I'd rather have Total War: 40k

Me too. Regular Warhammer is too LOTR for me, at least 40k is advanced future madness LOTR essentially. I still have a bunch of the Horus Heresy books too that are enjoyable as well.

How is regular Warhammer too LOTR or 40k is advanced future madness LOTR? What does whfb and w40k have something in common with LOTR? I can agree on dorfs in fantasy being rip-off dorfs from lotr but they are at least lotr dorfs taken to extreme.

Also if anyone is interested in Warhammer, check out Mordheim and Vermintide too.
Heh, if i was into that, there would be a problem, since i have never met anyone here who evens knows what warhammeris..
Just go in the Gamesworkshop of your town, or any other shop that sells GW mini, they usually have some backroom where you can find other players. Prepare to have your wallet plundered by a corporation even more evil than Bethesda.

I would kill for a Gorkamorka vidya. Dakka, dakka, dakka, and super speedy truk are what I need.
Just go in the Gamesworkshop of your town, or any other shop that sells GW mini, they usually have some backroom where you can find other players. Prepare to have your wallet plundered by a corporation even more evil than Bethesda.

If i would be interested in being a rape victim, it would not work as i do not happen to live in any of the major western countries. This means that popular franchises that usually have their roots set there, are most of the time nonexistant where i live.