Traits, Perks and Cheat

so i can take it 20 times and be liek no damage from the drinkings and stuff?

hurr, <strike>im a plane</strike> im sold!
Please don't tell me that "Violence is fucking hilarious" is really going to be in the description.
SuAside said:
kotaku said:
Bloody mess: Pete himself comfirmed that this perk was in. In addition to increased gore, this perk will provide a small damage bonus, making it better than the original.
because, we all know, MOAR DAMAGE MAKES IT BETTAR! :roll:


Not better as in 'more fun', better as in 'It's a better perk to choose because it actually makes your character better instead of doing nothing except making people explode when you shoot them.'
Like Oblivion, nothing is revealed to start with, but once you've visited a location you're free to "fast travel" to it at any time.
Oh, because we all know that fast travel was such a great idea for Oblivion.

"Who didn't like fast travel?"
*whole internet raises hands
"That's what I thought. We'll do fast travel."
Re: Traits, Pearks and Cheat

shorrtybearr said:
JR Jansen said:
Morbus said:
So, we start out somewhere and we got to hoof it to the next location before we can use the map ? That's how i am reading this.

You probably can use the map but the locations aren't "located" yet, its just like the original fallout. I see no problem with it.

I just would like a confirmation on that.

Since a long time, the travel system has been discussed and speculated about on the Beth board and, iinm, a question was asked about in the fan interview but they still spewed mist about it.

And i'm not so certain it will be like the original Fallouts in that respect.
Per said:
Old one was 50 pounds. In Fo3, being strong means being stronger, even though you get perks more often.

Do you? If gameplay is truly 100 hours, and you gain 20 levels in that time, and 1 perk each level, that's 1 perk every 5 hours. That's a lot slower than in the original games. Of course, the game probably won't actually be that long, and even if it was you're probably at level 20 for quite a bit of the endgame, but even with 50 hours of balanced level-climbing that's a perk every 2 and a half hours. Still pretty slow.
I don't really get how anyone could ever thing bethesda would do a different travel system. From the moment you know it was Oblivion with Guns (that is, when Roshambo said it) you KNEW there was gonna be fast travel. What do you think?

Next up, there's gonna be AUTO Fast Travel. Hand-holding taken to a whole new level... Totally next-generation.
Fast travel worked well in oblivion because of A. The psychic NPCs who would chase you for 10 straight minutes (during said 10 minutes you cannot rest/travel, which often leads to more psychic npcs giving chase) even if you've ran ahead a few miles and are long out of sight.

And B. Because the overwhelming majority of the terrain held absolutely nothing of interest besides a sprinkling of said psychic enemies.

The one thing they did right about oblivion was the Shivering Isles expansion.
Nenenenenenenene? What the hell?

The storyline was bearable though, I admit.
Considering Oblivion also had a console in which the player could enter cheats, I'd say it's a good bet this little command will make it into the final build.

Ya, amazingly they aren't cheats but are actually for testing purposes.
Pope Viper said:
Please don't tell me that "Violence is fucking hilarious" is really going to be in the description.

One can only hope. But the world of Fallout 3 does seem to be plagued by F-bombs even more so than atomic ones.

Wooz said:
That's one damn funny picture right there. Why not upload it to our gallery?

Thanks, will do.