Fallout 2 utility TranslaTek - The Fallout 2 Translator Companion App


Professional Jet Addict
Hey there,

I'm currently translating the game + Restoration Project to Portuguese, and I realized it was a pain in the ass to manually translate the .msg files in Fallout 2 in a revision-friendly manner, so I created this lil console app in C++. It should improve translation time by about 50% to 60% (Yes, I'm pulling these numbers out of my ass).
Basically, it gives you the strings one by one, and you just need to type in the translation and press Enter. It automatically comments the untranslated line from the file (by removing the brackets and adding a # to the beginning) and inserts the translated line right below it, all formatted with the number code, brackets and everything. The reason for commenting out the untranslated lines is purely for revision, in case you are collaborating with other translators and need to make sure everything is ok with the translation, etc.
It's real easy to use, just select the msg file, the line you wanna begin translating from, and start typing out. Then, when you're happy, just type in "save" and it will overwrite the untranslated file (yeah, don't forget to save). Further instructions are displayed in the app.

I've never fiddled with the files in Fallout 1, I don't know if the resource files are in the same format, but if they are, hey, you can use this to translate Fallout 1 too!

Suggestions and feedback are welcome, I will definitely improve the tool. Make sure to tell me if everything is alright with the encoding and other annoying technical shit.

Have fun and happy translating!

*Reaching end of file no longer crashes the program. What a stupid oversight.
*Typing in an invalid number code displays a message telling the user to try another number.
*Increased font and console size.

*Fixed a bug where the tool would screw up while trying to translate very similar words. EX: Desert to Deserto, or Guard to Guarda.
*Added an option to open another file for translation without having to close and reopen the app.
*Added a filter to the File Select so that you can only open .MSG files.

*The tool now correctly displays characters according to your region and locale preferences.

*GNU/Linux support is out! Just make sure to download the correct file, the main difference is that in the Windows version you can select a file from a GUI dialog, and in Linux you'll have to specify the path to the file (ex.: /home/fallout2/MAP.MSG).

Note: In Linux, the file output encoding defaults to UTF-8. If I'm not mistaken, Fallout 2 uses ANSI encoding with code pages (1252 for Latin, 1253 for Cyrillic, etc.). So make sure to convert the file to ANSI if it happens to be in UTF-8, at least until I can figure out how to output it to ANSI in Linux. One can do that easily with Notepad++: just go to Format > Convert to ANSI.


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Apparently the archive is corrupted, I wasn't able to decompress it.
It works for me. Is your antivirus or Microsoft SmartScreen classifying it as malicious software? In any case, I will upload it to 4shared or Dropbox and share the link, see if it helps.
It could also have corrupted during download, have you tried downloading it again?

EDIT: Done, the link is in the original post.
Yes, thanks. I tried, but to no avail.
4shared don't show me proper dowload link and wants me to login via a social networks account if I press "free download", but I don't have one. Can you reupload it to Dropbox or Mediafire?
And there is no antivirus or MS SmartScreen on my computer, I'm using gnu/linux :)
Unzip shows that the file has no proper endfile signature (meaning that it was either corrupted or was not a zip file to begin with).

No need in reuploading, everything is clear now, one just have to change the extension.
$ file TranslaTek.zip
TranslaTek.zip: RAR archive data, v4, os: Win32
Nice. And why did you do this? :D
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Done, included a Dropbox link as well.
Let me know if it works.

BTW, I believe it won't work in Linux, I used Windows only libraries, but it's easily adaptable, I'll start working on that.
Done, included a Dropbox link as well.
Let me know if it works.

BTW, I believe it won't work in Linux, I used Windows only libraries, but it's easily adaptable, I'll start working on that.
There is always wine, hehe. But for me it won't work, indeed. It's a x86_64 binary file while I'm using x86 wine. Can you compile a 32bit exe?
Sure, can do.

No need in reuploading, everything is clear now, one just have to change the extension.
$ file TranslaTek.zip
TranslaTek.zip: RAR archive data, v4, os: Win32

Ooooh I'm dumb. NMA wouldn't let me upload a .rar file, so I guessed just renaming it to .zip would do the trick. Lesson learned.

Will update as soon as I compile to 32 bit.
Ubuntu comunity forums is a veeeeery bad place to find a solution for any kind of linux related problems. That's because Ubuntu is the most user-friendly linux distribution thus it attracts all kinds of newbies and dummies discussing their important "problems"

Btw, the issue is solved, it was not the wine's problem per se, the runtime Visual Studio libraries for cpp were not installed.
I have a question, what encodings doesn your app support? Because trying to translate Russian .msg file to English all I got was a bunch of '?????'.
Can you type in Russian characters in the console and do the characters appear correctly?
Do the ????? only appear when you read the file?

EDIT: Alright, figured out the problem. I'm usin a latin code page.
I can set the code page depending on the user's locale, gonna fix that now.
Oh, now it's not ???s any more, but some other charactersm, it has variety! :)

Can you type in Russian characters in the console and do the characters appear correctly?
Do the ????? only appear when you read the file?
EDIT: Alright, figured out the problem. I'm usin a latin code page.
I can set the code page depending on the user's locale, gonna fix that now.
Hahaha that looks pretty fucked up.
I uploaded a new version. It should work now. Lemme know if the Russian characters appear properly.
By the way, if you're really intended to write a cross-platform console utility consider to replace calling 'open file' gui dialog with a command line argument of a file path.
By the way, if you're really intended to write a cross-platform console utility consider to replace calling 'open file' gui dialog with a command line argument of a file path.
Yep, that's what I'm working on, a more user-friendly way of specifying the file than to just type in the entire god damn path. Maybe I'll add an option so the user can specify a default folder and save that path, and then he only needs to type in the name of the msg file.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Alright, finally, GNU/Linux support!
Thank you, dozen, for helping out =)

By the way, if you're really intended to write a cross-platform console utility consider to replace calling 'open file' gui dialog with a command line argument of a file path.

If it's not inconvenient, could you test the Linux version to see if everything is alright? I'm not the Linux expert here.
It works. Mostly. I'll write my remarks and suggestions later, I don't have much time now.