Transport mod


First time out of the vault
Is it possible to have a transport system a bit like Morrowind, or the Cyrodill transport network mod in oblvion?

I dont like the fast travel as it doesnt really feel real, just being able to teleport pretty much where you want. It would be good if there were caravans or something just like the cyrodill mod.

It could work so that they would take you to 5 or 6 main points on the map and then you would have to walk to the actual location you wanted to get to, then you would have to walk back to the caravan owner, to transport elsewhere.

CAn anyone do this? as I have no idea where to stat
Teleporter technology in Fallout.. ahaha.. It's a laughable idea in and of itself, but I suppose it would be passable if you used the right idea behind it. Sorta like the Alien Pistol.. probably some 'unknown' technology. Nothing made by human hands, that's for sure at least.
actually i think he means the current fast travel method makes you feel like your teleporting across the map as u dont get any random encounters or anythin and end up on the other side of the map.
The Wandering Milkman said:
Teleporter technology in Fallout.. ahaha.. It's a laughable idea in and of itself, but I suppose it would be passable if you used the right idea behind it. Sorta like the Alien Pistol.. probably some 'unknown' technology. Nothing made by human hands, that's for sure at least.

We might be able to fit in an idea like that, no? Maybe add in a few of those crashed alien ships with teleporters at 4-5 areas throughout the map and disable quick traveling.

Maybe require a certain science skill to use/hack the 'alien terminals' to decide where you were going to teleport? Maybe a random chance/only one area to go to otherwise? Or maybe a slight chance of an alien world/mothership for a brief second before being teleported away by them?

Or maybe that last idea is pushing it a bit..

(All of this is assuming we get some sort of a toolkit from Beth or a 3rd party source.. sigh.)
k1mbr said:
actually i think he means the current fast travel method makes you feel like your teleporting across the map as u dont get any random encounters or anythin and end up on the other side of the map.

Oh, I know. I was just musing to myself really. On the topic of it not feeling very real, though.. I miss the random encounters you could get through 'fast travel' in the old games, like getting ambushed by critters, caravans or the likes. I also missed the parodies and referances, like stumbling on the TARDIS, or the Monty Python referances and parodies, that sort of thing.
i know fast travel is fallout as it was in the 1 & 2, and it was good the way we had random encouters. But I think there was no other way of doing it in fallout 1&2.

Fallout 3 has changed whether people like it or not. I think the fast travel needs to change, so that we cannot just fast travel to each and every little place we have been to. There should just be 5 or 6 main hubs, could be alien teleport system. But i think just a transport system, where there are people with brahmin, bit like a taxi service or something.

Its not just that fast travel doesnt seem very real, you just dont get to explor the world as much. I told my self I wouldnt use fast travel, but when its availiable I cant help but use it sometimes, when i only have to nip back somewhere to complete a quest.

If it wasnt availiable, or there were transport hubs, you would wait till you were going past it on another quest. just like you might pop into somerfields on your way to the bank!!
I think the idea of alien teleporters is a bit silly. What the OP was trying to get at seems more along the lines of being able to talk to a specific NPC in a town that will 'take' you to another place - basically, it uses the current method of fast travel. The automatic fast travel method we have now would be removed, meaning you could travel between a few towns and would have to hoof it from there.

For the aesthetics of it, I think perhaps a traveler with a motorcycle that looks cleaned up would work. You could talk to him, and he would give you a couple locations he was going to. He'd be willing to take you along if you helped pay for the travel costs with a little extra thrown in.
yeah that is the kind of thing i was thinking of. It would be great if there was a mod like this, but with out the construction set i doubt it will be possible.
It occurs to me that the developers missed a golden opportunity to 'easily' introduce a vehicle. Simply have a vehicle graphic present (initially a quest reward) and once you've got the vehicle, one could 'use' it to 'quick travel'. If you haven't done the vehicle quest and gotten the vehicle quest reward, you cannot otherwise quick travel.

This might in fact be the best way for a mod to retroactively put in a vehicle effect. Add in a graphic, and disable quicktravel until reactivated by gaining the vehicle. Of course prospective players would ask why they would want to play with a mod that 'removed' a useful feature. To that end, make the vehicle some sort of pre-war, nuclear powered APC that the player could outfit as an RV, a mobile home, with a bed and versatile storage opportunity.
Panpiper said:
To that end, make the vehicle some sort of pre-war, nuclear powered APC that the player could outfit as an RV, a mobile home, with a bed and versatile storage opportunity.

Ya mean sorta like how in the older games, if you had a car, you could store things in the trunk? And I like the idea more of having a beat up old raggedy car that you can just sleep in the back seat of. Roughing it in the desert and such.

Mind you, I'd also want to be able to actually drive the damned thing, so I guess my opinion is sorta void anyway.