Trapped in Sao paulo

I feel so stupid.

I'm on the airport which is bad. I should be on a plane but my tickets are invalid since Varig tickets are invalid as of today(!!!!). If I had been here yesterday and printed them they would be ok.. "a day late, a buck short". I probably won't have to travel to Sao Paulo atleast which prob makes this "off topic".

So, now I'm stuck in Santiago airport instead. Either I wait until the 28 for the company to come back to life or I sell my body to some filthy manbabe and buy a new ticket home.

I know what you're gonna vote for so I will prob just wait for something else to happen... it better be fast because I'm running out of dollares
Sell yourself to the chick avec le dick and you will be back in Sweden or Norgay or where ever you are from in no time.
Guess who rules. Yes you're right. I will fly over seas to Madrid, Spain, tonight for $300 bucks (compared to the other offers that spanned from $1500 to $2000 this just felt right somehow). From there I'll be going by car and voila... home sweet home!

Thanks guys for chatting me through this. I guess this is the end of this thread.
Spain -> Sweden by car? you're in for a long ride dude. aren't there any cheapass airliners to get you home? (unless you want to go roadtrippin')

i can't imagine it being cheaper with stuff like Ryan Air & such. (dont expect any service from them though)
Somehow I doubt he's roadtripping on his own, and a car ride from Spain to Sweden definitely doesn't take more than a week.
i don't know monsharen, so i dont know if he's a student on holiday or a normal workingman but an extra week of unplanned travel filled mostly with driving, isn't exactly short, Overseer.

if he's a workingman, an extra unplanned week can translate into hell.
and whats that? one week for driving from spain to sweden isn't exactly acceptable if he can just get a flight home.

anyhow, we'll see what he has to say when he gets back.
I'm back!

Ok, first of all I don't have a job so that was not an issue (except that I could have done better WITH the money).

The trip to Madrid wasn't that badly planned (but I guess I've crossed the border from "good"). I made some arrangements with my parents who where visiting France at the moment. They had an empty seat over for me and didn't mind visiting Spain (for which I'm truly greatfull).

The trip from Madrid took 3 days (Two nights, one in France and one in Germany for those who's interested) and wasn't that bad. I even got to stop in germany for beer, though quite limited since I had to pay for my dads expenses too.