Trinity update

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Spotted this at VDHP:

<blockquote>As you may know, some things related to Trinity had changed. Currently we are working on something like an alpha version of the game. Why am I saying "something like"? Because it will be a shortened version of Trinity, but completely play able, with the main quest to perform, and tens of secondary tasks. We're predicting that the game should take about 10 hours of your life. The purpose of this alpha version is to introduce you with the game climate and the world of Trinity. For us the slpha will be a good exam and output point to the real game, which will fulfil all or at least most of our foundations. This alpha version will be available at the end of this year. So stay tuned.

Ground Zero Team</blockquote>
No, because we have problems with our programmers. Most of them are no longer in GZT, so we're "hiring" new ones. In Polish news (at VDHP and Trinity site) you can read about it (new members must speak Polish).
Now we have two new programmers and we're still looking for more and also for 3D graphic artists.
Soon everything should be stabilized and work will go really fast (I hope so).
We should finish first (a really shortened) version of Trinity. It will be available for download, so every of interested will have chance to get it and play. As we write in news, it'll take about 10 hours from your life :-)
hrm, why release the alpha? I'd feel like i knew too much of the game if I got to play that, or is that only for a select few testers?
Alpha will be like different game. It'll be first test of engine and mechanic and it'll be like exam for us. It'll decide if we have any chance to make full version of Trinity. We'll see how work goes. If we'll work a really fast and effective, we will resign from alpha and go straight to full version of Trinity (and we'll try to publish some kind of demo in December). If work will go tough, we will continue alpha version, because it'll be possible that we have no strength to finish full version (at the moment).

As you know status of our work isn't impressive. We still don't have working graphic engine, so decided to change something in our project and also in our team to fulfill our foundations.

Everything now is starting to clarify and we started to work again and we have first results.
I hope you guys can complete the full version
Your game has the best ideas around here, and it's the one i'm waiting for the most, out of the Fall, Metalheart, Stalker, and all the Fallout mods.
Good luck. I hop you can realize your ideas
Thanks. Opinions like yours is important to us, because we know that we are working not only for ourselves.