Trump is winning

I'm insanely happy. I'm so fucking happy. It's just hard to believe.

Well, actually I'm not sure what will happen. Might not be that great for average Russians either. In US they will start to mess with women who want abortions, Latinos, blacks I guess, etc. Not sure what will happen to Russians in US. Some are saying Trump will start a war pretty quickly after stepping into office so that might be really bad for Russians.

Russia might need that Satan 2 - super nuke some time soon.
What has Trump done to justify people think he'll start a war with Russia? I do feel sorry for the US, I can't comment on whether things will be good or bad for them.
Well just heard that in the US military they've been preparing for a Trump presidency by preparing for a war if he is elected. Things could get a lot messier then the Trump-fans predicted.
He doesn't have a citation because it's untrue. As usual.

Now if you want some actual facts on how Hillary Clinton will cause war with Russia, here you go:

and here's something a bit more anecdotal from one of her fellow semi-liberals:
Why would Trump start a war? Warzones tend to be bad for property values. Trump owns property all around the world.
Hey, I'm not from the US. Not up to me to prove that US is a peaceful country. Their track record is anything but.

Right now US is waging and taking part in several wars. One more is too much for ya'll to fathom?
Hey, I'm not from the US. Not up to me to prove that US is a peaceful country. Their track record is anything but.

Right now US is waging and taking part in several wars. One more is too much for ya'll to fathom?
I know, I know. But without any clear sources it's just ass talk and hence Trump being a warmonger has no basis.
I know, I know. But without any clear sources it's just ass talk and hence Trump being a warmonger has no basis.

Yes, now in the more refined and accountable world defined by Trump and his crazy statements, we all must be much much more careful with the things we say and not say stupid, unsubstantial things. :eyebrow:

Just remember that Trump said that he might use nukes in Europe. Among other things.
Yea well, whatever. So strange to see Trump-fans all trying calm the situation, I guess they know that markets plunging etc. isn't good for them either. Glad I'm not a yank but I do have relatives there. Looks like death penalty will be re-instated in Nebraska so yea, not like there aren't immediate concrete results from this election.

What else will happen we will see. Hope the info I got about a new US war is wrong.
My view of Trump is he's not actually a war monger. In fact, I see him as probably letting Putin and other dictators run wild.