Tumblin' tumbleweed


Vault Senior Citizen
Here's the result of a little idea i had.
A tumbleweed FRM to go wandering
round the streets of a deserted ghost
town (or Broken Hills).

'Course i have no clue how to implement
it. I guess you'd have to set him to run
around town constantly 'cos thats all he
can do. So i'll throw it out there to anyone
who could use it.


I seem to remember that dude_obj was working on this ages ago (he's not been at nma for a year or two though), I think we used the art from FOT and set up the tumble weed as a critter. He then scripted the 'critter' to walk around the map in a random fashion.
Was it tumbleweed? I recall newspaper flying around being set up as a critter.
I thought about making it to a critter too, but then... you could shoot it and it could run away from you, etc.
I dunno. I mean, you could shoot at it, and it would take damage. However, I think it could be scripted to not move during combat and have an insane amount of hit points to keep from killing it.
As far as I know, if it has no death animation, it can not die. So the damage thing wouldn't be a problem. With the run away thing... maybe a script override command could help.
Partially true, I think. With no death animation, after it is killed, it will just stand there, using the last idle graphic and not moving anymore. As for not running away, a script override is exactly what I was thinking.
If the death animation would be a kind of "tumbleweed explode in 100 parts", I think it would also be ok. Then it would be like you shoot at a barrel or something. Maybe it is a test worth.
Yes, breaking into many pieces might be cool. Or, I just realized, a script override could also be used for the damage procedure, so a 'death animation' would not be necessary. If the player attacked or shot at it, they would just be wasting their time.

There is a way to script it so a critter takes no damage. I remember doing this a long time ago. Also, in the critter protos, you can set damage thresholds so effectively it would never take damage.

In Combat_p_proc, you could also script it to do absolutely nothing and I believe you can disable the item highlight as well.

It's well worth a try.
MIB88 said:
If the player attacked or shot at it, they would just be wasting their time.

This is what i was thnking. Insane amount of hit points or 100% DR as chris parks suggests. What i have no clue about, is how you would set his movement patterns - does FO script use waypoints or something? Would it be possible to set him to appear on one edge of the map, roll across it and dissapear off the other side?
Yes, with a script you can give the tumbleweed some waypoints. But I would "walk" it randomly on the map.
Lexx said:
Yes, with a script you can give the tumbleweed some waypoints. But I would "walk" it randomly on the map.

The reason i'm thinking waypoints is that tumbleweed moves with the wind, and therefore (i would imagine) straight through a town. While some random 'walk'ing, and occasional stopping still for a while would be fine, i think it would look a little more convincing if he rolls onto one side of town passes through and then rolls off the opposite side....
Cool idea.
Just one quick question, if the tumbleweed "walks" around randomly, wont it go in to houses and walk around in there as well?
That would look a bit silly... :)

Darek said:
wont it go in to houses and walk around in there as well?

Yes, this could be possible, if there are any houses or something like this in the near. But this could be "fixed" with a little bit more script work.

Or the tumbleweed is placed only in maps, where this is barred. The desert maps as example.
for the hit points, let me remind you that the overseer in Fallout 1 was immortal with 1 HP (except for the game end). So as Chris Parks pointed out, there is a way...