It Wandered In From the Wastes

I'm sure many of you know of this quirky product listed on, but I ran across a review today that gave me a tickle:
9 of 19 people found the following review helpful:
Reviews not entirely straight forward, March 27, 2007
By The Vault Dweller (Chicago, IL) - See all my reviews
I read so many glowing reviews of this product that I just had to have it. I admit it at first sounded foolish to me, (I mean who gets an out of state milk delivery?), but so many positive reviews couldn't be wrong. Well I ordered the milk and waited with bated breath. Finally, the day came and I cracked her open and poured a tall glass.
When I tasted it, it was like tasting... Milk! What the heck! This wasn't some special nectar of the gods or divine moo-juice! This was regular milk! Surprised and angered I reread all the reviews, and came to the following conclusion. Either people only post honest reviews or I learn how to recognize sarcasm on the internet. Since it highly unlilkely that the latter will occur, I expect everyone on these forums to grow up pronto! The internet is not a toy!
That being said as far as milk goes, the Tuscan Whole Milk was pretty good. It was creamy and had the slightest hint of sweetness. I gave it a realistic 2 of 5 stars. I challenge anyone to honestly show me milk that deserves a rating of 3 or more stars.