Two Overlooked Console Games I've been Playing

The Vault Dweller

always looking for water.
These games are both undermentioned, but, because of awesome reviews and personal recommendations I've tried these two "unique" titles and can happily say they are the reason I've actually used my PS2 this year.

-We Love Katamari

Now if a friend told you the best game ever was one with falling blocks forming lines you'd scoff, but if he said "Tetris" you'd agree. With that in mind...

This game has you rolling a sticky ball called a "Katamari" around. Things stick to it causing it to grow bigger. Once it gets big enough it grows in size allowing you to pick up large objects. The key is to pick up as many of the largest obstacles as you can as fast as you can. Key thing is maintaining rythm.

Besides the addictive puzzle element the game is just dripping with humor. Its often small and lighthearted and you may not even notice if you're playing diligently, but its there. Many of the areas you'll go to have everyday people or objects acting funny, such as a mouse being chased by a cat being chased by a dog being chased by a car outside in the street if you stop to look, and stuff like that. I would compare it to being in a "Where's Waldo" book and thats an excellent comparison.

The music is silly and childish, but suits the game so well you wont notice or feel embarrassed. As a matter of fact I enjoy it alot now.


Yes this game is a platformer which is often a recipe for console crap. Yes this game is set in a summer camp filled with children as is the main character and that seems like crap. However...

The writing and art design is some of the best ever. Each and every single character is very distinct both in looks and behavior. Features are exaggerated like really long faces, tall characters that are really thin, and very disturbing eyes. The dialogue. Well each character has there own set of goals in the camp they each explain it when talking to the main character very well. The voice actors were chosen perfectly and I get half the fun just going around speaking to them and sometimes hiding and waiting for them to start talking to each other/themselves.

The story is very strange, but well implemented. The character is training to use psionic powers that only few are gifted with and thats the purpose of the camp. This is how you gain abilites and also how many of the characters are so unique.

To give some examples;

-One kids has severe problems being picked on and acts crazy. At one point he's complaining the animals are picking on him. You have no idea whether he's insane or just able to read their minds and they are harassing him too.

-Mikhail who speaks with a Russian accent and is obsessed with finding a bear he once saw. "You cannot lurk forever, bear. Mikhail will find you."

-Another kid is extremely intelligent, but has NO social skills. When he tries to entertain the other kids he simply starts telling stories that have no point or end and are just a series of statements that go on or he quotes some cliche line in a very undramatic way.

"Hey watcha doin?"
(playing tag) "I'm hunting the most dangerous prey of".

Also all that aside the actual platform part of the game is well made. Its challenging and there's lots to find/do in the camp thats both helpful for the game and fun for the player.

I dont know if I've convinced you to play these games, but I'd urge you to give them a try.

The Vault Dweller
My favorite overlooked console game of late is Dai Senryaku VII, which is a hex-based wargame for the Xbox. It's a lot of fun, even though the graphics leave something to be desired, the battle system is a bit simplistic, and the music is that weird rock/jazz hybrid the Japanese shove into every console game they ever make.

I've played Psychonauts, and it's probably my favorite platformer because it actually has legitimate humor and not just stupid fart jokes, and because the varying setting and gameplay are extremely well-done and entertaining in a multitude of ways. Actually, it's the only platformer I ever got into.
I've been meaning to play both of those. I played the demo for Psychonauts and loved it but I never actually got around to buying it, which I feel pretty bad about it now since it apparently didn't sell too well and put a damper on the possibility of future games from Double Fine. I'll have to remedy that now, hopefully it's not to late for Schafer & co to get some benefit from it.

I've been putting off getting Katamari because despite all the rave reviews I've read about it I'm not sure it's really my type of game. I suppose it's cheap enough now that it's worth the risk though.
We Love Katamari is a great game. I'm going to get the soundtracks, actually. The music is very enjoyable.

My favorite console game that was somewhat unknown was the Armored Core games. They always seemed to be a bit niche to me, at least in America.
By the way if anyone notices the character "Vernon" in Psychonauts...I acted exactly like him when I was that age. In fact I still mostly do.

The Vault Dweller
I finished Psychonauts and I just had to say one thing to anyone thinking of playing it.

It is so far the best game I've played this year. Currently the year is half over so thats saying alot. Especially from a console platform game (Though its on PC too!) which I remind you has the soul of an adventure game in it.

The Vault Dweller
Don't be afraid to buy the PC version of Psychonauts either. The controls are really good, not some crappy port type controls (you know the kind. Where you can't even turn the camera). The game is genuinely funny and has some really great gameplay moments. A totally underrated game that should've sold more copies.
So I am either too young or too old for this siit, cause I can't understand why would you play that kind of game(Psychonauts), for too long(to finnish, actually), though I like the games that you can turn the music up(from my winamp, not from the game) and hope that you hit all that glows. So please forgive my ignorance.
Signeon said:
A totally underrated game that should've sold more copies.
Why does this sound like a genuine comment from the game developer. :lol:
Has anyone notice that the Rollermines in Half-Life 2 looks just like Katamari... I laughed my ass off the first time I saw a Katamari... Anyway I only have one "Modern" console and it's a PS2 with the lid melted away (some goon left a candle on it) so I have to fiddle with it to get it to load; which is OK since I only play Gran Turismo 4 on it... but does anyone have a recommendation? (I already have all Three Grand Theft Autos for PC).