UK gamer stabbed to death over Forum Dispute

Wooz said:
See? Learn to love and cherish your opressive moderators.

Good things only my cherished oppressive moderators know where I live on this site.

I.P. tracers for the win.

If you guys ever need any test subjects for your insane experiments, I'm down.

Just don't touch downstairs, or around the eyes.
The Raging Russian said:
Anyhow, what the hell did these guys say to each other, I mean, if it was something to make one of them fly to the other and stab him to death it must've been something pretty horrible?

If it was Advance Wars related, it probably went something like this...

"Dude, Sturm is definitely cooler than Koal"

"No way, Koal kicks ass"

"Oh yeah, just like I kicked your ass with that Bomber last game?"

"That's it, I'm totally going to tank rush your ass, and by tank rush, I mean stab"

"I'd like to see you try getting over here with all the fog of war you prick."
Gentlemen said:
HA HA Silly Europeans!

Well, if the news didn't say they're from Europe, I'd bet all my hard earned money that they're from Japan or Korea :mrgreen:

By the way son, are you using Rad-X? You have 170 posts and shows no sign of radiation under your nickname :shock:
By the way son, are you using Rad-X? You have 170 posts and shows no sign of radiation under your nickname

how many posts we need to have to get "half" a radiation?
This could have happened in real life, and there wouldn't have been all the media attention. It's no different than a guy stabbing another guy after a fight at the pub. The internet just let's you pick fights miles away...
Blakut said:
This could have happened in real life, and there wouldn't have been all the media attention. It's no different than a guy stabbing another guy after a fight at the pub. The internet just let's you pick fights miles away...

at the pub people are drunk and someone might lose their senses in the moment.

this was planned and he had at least a couple of hours (likely more) to cool off before he went through with it.

not the same.
Most "normal" criminals( not serial offenders) who go off their rockers are only irrational during the execution of their crimes. Emotional "flooding" takes place, overwhelms the frontal lobes, and they snap. As soon as it's over, rationality takes back the control, and they start to try to deal with it realistically.
Yeah, it was probably more personal than what the article suggested. Debates on videogames, always with the general populace(at least fanboys and "classified" gamers) usually escalates into the name calling and chest beating. Stabbing is a whole other thing. If he had enough time to ride over, stab him, and leave. I'm pretty sure he's either has extreme mental issues, is a psychopath or was just a cold and calculated individual who simply wanted someone dead for whatever grievance they caused.

Dude probably stumbled on his furry/lolicon collection.
Sounds like that American guy who tried to burn down the house of the guy who called him a nerd on a forum.

Hmm, I wonder if anyone is willing to fly all the way down here to kill me. Let's try!
