Ultravox's ART: First wave!


First time out of the vault
Hello guys!
my name is ultravox, i'm french, and I like to mod Fallout2, one
of my favorite game :)

Anyway, i stop to bore you with my boring life, i created tis Topic,
because i created some art.

but YOU MUST know something: i'm a total noob in graphic art.
These creations are made with paint and Photophiltre.
I don't have Photoshop, so be Comprehensive. :(

Actually, i only finished few Inventory FRM's:

-Radiation suit
-Power metal armor
-Alternative Plasma pistol
-Handmade spear

LOOK AT THEM!!! :crazy:


This is the MAZERGUN. guess whose guns i mixed...:roll:


First version of the Famous "Metalpowerarmor"... not finished. i will
Set an Radiation symbol on it...
There's the ALT plasma pistol, too.


I made this radiation suit... very badly... i don't know how to embelish

!!EDIT!! (Of January 2010 22th)
I test SketchUp... not bad, and very,very Easy than Blender,
I tried to make A kind of "JunkHouse"...
Give everyone some time. It IS New Years Eve you know. :) :drunk: (I too will be off shortly to celebrate)

I think you got a good start here. I like the "metal power armor". Handmade spear is interesting as well.
It's me again, i make this a while, what did you think about it?


I tried to make something like the Metal vault suit in fallout3.
(Noticed the Vault guy with an Backpack? one of my idea!)

And i make a Dead metal-armored guy... pretty much. :D
Finally, I created some punk with new leather armors...

The shit is I don't enougth good in FRM editing to create all poses...
I don´t know what you are doing on new years´s eve but i am nearly drunk...and you have nothing to do than posting new fallout graphics...lol..
I love those guy´s ... chapeau monseigneur... :mrgreen: :clap:
The spear looks... interesting :shock: As for the other... :clap: I like especially the Mazer-gun.

I'd like to see white rad suit :D But no hurry finnish these first :p

Anxious to see!
Yep, the Rad-suit is not finished at all.
The others too.

But i don't want to create a white Rad-suit. Maybe i
will recolor it in green...
I myself think that making those bloody mess gore sceneries -> making FRMs -> uploading FRMs at Custom Art Repository definitely has some bright future. :D
Why my topic is so deserted?

What's to say? You've made a few bits of art and people have commented.

Bare in mind that it is new year and a lot of people aren't around here at the moment.
Huh, but it's not some artworks.
That's Bitmap and PNG files but i can't convert them
in FRM because GIF2FRM don't work for me.

And converting them in gif Does horrible things...
Some of those looks pretty decent, but they are just basically cut and paste job. Even I can do those.

Btw, your sign sounds a little...ehhh...nevermind. Maybe I'm just a little double minded.
i think his art work is supposed to be more "OMFG :crazy:" than serious :) well you can get photoshop trial version or go get it by .... you know other "means"
I like them. Yes they have to be cleaned and chopped, but I like them. Always good to have unique pieces of gear or nicer death scenes.

radiation suits are needed and make sense. A lot could be done with them. I like the look, you kept the working-class theme.

I really like the idea of making your own hacked weapons, that is super cool idea.