Hello guys!
my name is ultravox, i'm french, and I like to mod Fallout2, one
of my favorite game
Anyway, i stop to bore you with my boring life, i created tis Topic,
because i created some art.
but YOU MUST know something: i'm a total noob in graphic art.
These creations are made with paint and Photophiltre.
I don't have Photoshop, so be Comprehensive.
Actually, i only finished few Inventory FRM's:
-Radiation suit
-Power metal armor
-Alternative Plasma pistol
-Handmade spear
This is the MAZERGUN. guess whose guns i mixed...
First version of the Famous "Metalpowerarmor"... not finished. i will
Set an Radiation symbol on it...
There's the ALT plasma pistol, too.
I made this radiation suit... very badly... i don't know how to embelish
!!EDIT!! (Of January 2010 22th)
I test SketchUp... not bad, and very,very Easy than Blender,
I tried to make A kind of "JunkHouse"...
my name is ultravox, i'm french, and I like to mod Fallout2, one
of my favorite game

Anyway, i stop to bore you with my boring life, i created tis Topic,
because i created some art.
but YOU MUST know something: i'm a total noob in graphic art.
These creations are made with paint and Photophiltre.
I don't have Photoshop, so be Comprehensive.

Actually, i only finished few Inventory FRM's:
-Radiation suit
-Power metal armor
-Alternative Plasma pistol
-Handmade spear

This is the MAZERGUN. guess whose guns i mixed...

First version of the Famous "Metalpowerarmor"... not finished. i will
Set an Radiation symbol on it...
There's the ALT plasma pistol, too.

I made this radiation suit... very badly... i don't know how to embelish
!!EDIT!! (Of January 2010 22th)
I test SketchUp... not bad, and very,very Easy than Blender,
I tried to make A kind of "JunkHouse"...