Underage attractive teenager


No, I am not in trouble with the law.

Imagine that you're neighbor is under the legally appropriate age but incrediably hot.

This teen is interested in you in a more intimate way.

Do you take the bait?
No, but I'd probably be hating myself for months for not doing it. It's one of those damned if you do, damned if you don't situations for me - I'm 10 years older than the age of consent, so if I went for it I'd feel guilty for taking advantage of a teenager and petrified of getting caught and dragged into court. Of course, turning down a hot girl is almost a crime in itself.
Yes, bang her, but be careful about it. The last thing you want to be charged for is underage rape.
On one hand I want to say, "These things only become wrong when people know about them." Also, that you're far more likely to regret the things you didn't do rather than those you did.

On the other hand I really have to say that I can't see a teenager being anything more than a night's diversion. I mean, it's not like you can talk to them on anything like an equal basis. That then would likely lead to bruised feelings and that can be dangerous since the teen would have you by the short and curlies...

OTB... I know this question is a little off topic... but is your name by any chance a Starship Troopers refrence?
Elissar said:
OTB... I know this question is a little off topic... but is your name by any chance a Starship Troopers refrence?

Yes, but also to other Heinlein novels where it was used like Time Enough for Love.

While I was in the Army a fellow NCO turned me onto Heinlein and started calling me "Sergeant Johnny On-The-Bounce". When I went online years later I figured it was as appropriate as anything else. Unfortunately people sometimes think has some sort of sexual connotation, like -- getting back on topic -- bouncing on teenage girls, or being on the re-bound from a relationship.

I'd hit it. I'm an adept of the "If they didn't see you doing it, your reputation won't drop". Am i glad real life doesn't have a reputation tracker like Fallout.
You guys are insane. You've seen the Kobe Bryant trial on TV right? 3-time NBA champion, one of the most talented, hardworking players out there and his whole career, everything he's worked for, could be over. Think how @#$%ed his life must be right now, and he hasnt even been convicted. Now think how @#$$ed your life would be if you get nailed as a sex offender.
You guys should be careful when dealing with jail bait though.

If something falls through (ie she gets emotionally hurt), or if the parents find out, you could easily end up in a LOT of trouble.

And what's worse is that statutory rape can be punishable years after the incident. She could turn 20 and suddenly decide to press charges.

Btw: How young are we talking here?
Ouch,this is a tough one.I guess if you both love each other there won't be any serious consequences.
You could kill her afterwards? Mabye run to the hills and get married, yee-haw!

Mabye some kind of bizarro group masturbation eh? Cheers mate.
I've read the real "mise en scene" and with it probably no but with a lot of self restraint (she's 17) i'd wait till she's 18. then again.?

As it is put out right now, no i would not touch her.

Again it's a damned if you do and damned if you don't, no matter what you do when she gets pissed you're in a shitload of troubles. You tell her no, she starts telling that you did anyway to get back to you. You do her, she blackmails you for the rest of your life.

a quote i recently heard
"Hell was created by a woman seeking revenge!"
You could travel to another country where the legal age is lower and engage in acts of sinful depravity there?

Really, how old is (s)he?
Um. Depends what "legal" means. I wouldn't touch a girl under 16, though. Even if I'm 19, I'd feel like taking advantage...

Anyways, Welshie, You're married, so forget it. :)
haha I just recently turned the legal sex age in my country...so I would go for someone under the age of 16 if I really liked them (and I've gota girlfriend, and she's 14;)(15 tomorrow tho...))...She had a 22 year old sex-mate a while a go...No problems there at least....