Underground Nuclear Test Video

bob_the_rambler said:
ive been to the Titan missle museum about 14 times...........i live 20 minutes away.

very cool, and if you are lucky you will get the OLDEST tour guide....Earny i think his name is, and he will give you a tour that just pulls you into the fallout worldl...............the kind of tour that gives you goose bumps when you realise that the world could have ended in under two hours.
Yep, that silo is intense.

There were a couple out here for sale, but I don't know the status on them right now.
If you EVER get a chance to tour the NTS, DO SO.

A lot of information, a lot of explanations about what went on, what the feelings were like among the troops about nuclear war, and even more about what they thought and feared were to be the effects of future nuclear weapons when they tested. If you are able to see some of the early concept sketches, including one called "Cratermaker", feel particularly lucky to see what the scientists themselves envisoned this stuff being able to do later on. Here is a form of it in more modern studies, and guess where they did much of the depth testing for nuclear weapons? No wonder most of the people around the tests died from cancer, the fallout from the ground being spread would be far more severe to civvy life than a simple aerial burst.
welsh said:
Looks like the kind of thing that would be used against fortfied weapons bunks in North Korea.

Uh...that would work, yes. :shock:

While it would certainly take out the bunker, it would cover the surrounding miles of landscape with radioactive debris and dirt that would make Chernobyl look like picnic. If that got into the ocean, which the surrounding areas are heavily reliant on seafood, it would affect the livelihood of millions of people who aren't North Korean. The ground shocks, along with the radioactive dirt spray, would level more than just the bunker. It would hit urban areas along fault lines much like a major earthquake. That is what they found out most from NTS, versus the aerials in the Pacific. Really fascinating stuff when you get into what could be done.

Conventionals like the GBU-37 used in the same manner still work, but without the masses of civvies dropping dead.
THat was disturbingly dark. Nuclear testing as spectacle of destruction. Powerful stuff.

The pictures of the inside of the vessels... intense stuff.

Thanks for the post Corpse.
You guys should check out the atomic cannon footage. i dont have a link but its easy to find. Its pretty damn cool
Janeus said:
You guys should check out the atomic cannon footage. i dont have a link but its easy to find. Its pretty damn cool

I think it was posted earlier in this thread.
It baffles the mind that somebody would create a Nuclear Cannon, it just seems so ridiculous.

Still rocks though.
Not if you didn't have reliable short range ballistic missiles and jet fighters capable of carrying huge bomb loads and small nukes, it wasn't that insane of an idea. Tactical nuclear capability. Have some North Koreans pouring through a pass? Nuke it.

Hey, if I can do it in C&C: Generals, why the hell not? I love force ground fire. - Colt