UnderRail released on Steam and GOG

The game isn't heavy story driven, you can lose yourself exploring the caves for hours. at what point of the main quest are you at?
Getting acidsplashed by ridiculously overpowered enemies in the Junkyard, to get drill parts to "speed things up". A real motivator, considering I was told to just go buy the damn parts.

I'm at the same point, i hate those things. Lol, yeah, "just buy" :V
One fight I already used up 4 frag mines & had to zone out due to hypo cooldown. Painful.

Guess I should've picked more crafting skills so I could get addicted to the adrenaline shots & shit.
Downloading from gog right now. Just spendig a bit of the money i saved by not buying Fallout 4:smile:

So it's essentially free, right? And it can't be worse, can it?
I've got 10 hours into Underrail so far and I'm still not sure what the game is trying to achieve storywise. The player is not drawn in at all. So far it's just "go do this" for no other reason than they asked (or fear of getting kicked out).

Are you supposed to wake up as the "Chosen One" like 90% of other RPGs? Why can't you be a normal person that slowly proves their worth?
You could argue Fallout 1 is just one giant fetch quest. So? You're helping your community with the immediate threat in both game. The real threat appears later in both games.
I've got 10 hours into Underrail so far and I'm still not sure what the game is trying to achieve storywise. The player is not drawn in at all. So far it's just "go do this" for no other reason than they asked (or fear of getting kicked out).

Are you supposed to wake up as the "Chosen One" like 90% of other RPGs? Why can't you be a normal person that slowly proves their worth?
You could argue Fallout 1 is just one giant fetch quest. So? You're helping your community with the immediate threat in both game. The real threat appears later in both games.

No, you aren't the chosen one, you're only a person that can help (who you choose to help), or be a zero fuck giver.
Are you supposed to wake up as the "Chosen One" like 90% of other RPGs? Why can't you be a normal person that slowly proves their worth?
You could argue Fallout 1 is just one giant fetch quest. So? You're helping your community with the immediate threat in both game. The real threat appears later in both games.
Fallout gives you a purpose & then kicks you off into the world. If you actually give a fuck about the purpose, is up to the player. In the first one, you're just a disposable asset and you're not the only one they send out. In the second one, you're the chose one because you come from a tribe of morons and have the same blood as the savior in the first game.

However, with Underrail, you've got no purpose. "Welcome to the SGS", now would you kindly run our insanely dangerous missions for no other reason than us asking nicely?
Your fellow inhabitants clearly do not get such over the top dangerous tasks and if they do, then there are a fuckton of them deployed with heavy guns and armor wherever they go. It's more or less made clear that you could stay even if you don't carry out the suicide missions, since you meet plenty of people who don't.
So what drives my character here? And what drives the SGS? "Oh, we've got a guy that did pretty OK on our tests, so let's see if we can get him killed by sending him off alone against threats that have absolutely murdered the shit out of dozens of others before him"?
Painted like that, I don't really feel like helping out the SGS much. The problem isn't the fetch quest, nor the danger. It's the writing. The feeling you're doing something good for the community you feel a part of (if your char is a good guy at least). SGS has no appeal. It's a good base to be in this world, but none of the writing give you a sufficient motivation to offset the dangers you encounter. You could live out a safe & happy life without risking your life for drilling parts.
Man, some of this site's members are so tiresome, can't find joy in anything other than picking apart even indie games that are trying to cater to the gameplay they claim to desire. I could literally replace the words "Underrail" and "Fallout" and nearly come up with the same conclusion. In Fallout you're the next iteration of "THE ONLY REMAINING HOPE", even though there's a whole horde of fuckwits picking their assholes in the vault instead of trying to form a team(There is an arsenal with several men worth of weapons, after all); don't see how this is different in Underrail other than the community doesn't lock you out illogically, offering no support for this immensely important mission they sent you out on in a Spandex suit. Obviously, you don't have to care about the objective in any of these realities if you don't want to, but then you'd just be playing some pathetic simulation instead of a game.

And of course Crni agrees. Gamers can be so pathetically picky.
Are you supposed to wake up as the "Chosen One" like 90% of other RPGs? Why can't you be a normal person that slowly proves their worth?
You could argue Fallout 1 is just one giant fetch quest. So? You're helping your community with the immediate threat in both game. The real threat appears later in both games.
Fallout gives you a purpose & then kicks you off into the world. If you actually give a fuck about the purpose, is up to the player. In the first one, you're just a disposable asset and you're not the only one they send out. In the second one, you're the chose one because you come from a tribe of morons and have the same blood as the savior in the first game.

However, with Underrail, you've got no purpose. "Welcome to the SGS", now would you kindly run our insanely dangerous missions for no other reason than us asking nicely?
Your fellow inhabitants clearly do not get such over the top dangerous tasks and if they do, then there are a fuckton of them deployed with heavy guns and armor wherever they go. It's more or less made clear that you could stay even if you don't carry out the suicide missions, since you meet plenty of people who don't.
So what drives my character here? And what drives the SGS? "Oh, we've got a guy that did pretty OK on our tests, so let's see if we can get him killed by sending him off alone against threats that have absolutely murdered the shit out of dozens of others before him"?
Painted like that, I don't really feel like helping out the SGS much. The problem isn't the fetch quest, nor the danger. It's the writing. The feeling you're doing something good for the community you feel a part of (if your char is a good guy at least). SGS has no appeal. It's a good base to be in this world, but none of the writing give you a sufficient motivation to offset the dangers you encounter. You could live out a safe & happy life without risking your life for drilling parts.

I mean, if I were an isolated underground community, I would totally recruit people I didn't know just to send them on suicide missions...
Man, some of this site's members are so tiresome, can't find joy in anything other than picking apart even indie games that are trying to cater to the gameplay they claim to desire. I could literally replace the words "Underrail" and "Fallout" and nearly come up with the same conclusion. In Fallout you're the next iteration of "THE ONLY REMAINING HOPE", even though there's a whole horde of fuckwits picking their assholes in the vault instead of trying to form a team(There is an arsenal with several men worth of weapons, after all); don't see how this is different in Underrail other than the community doesn't lock you out illogically, offering no support for this immensely important mission they sent you out on in a Spandex suit. Obviously, you don't have to care about the objective in any of these realities if you don't want to, but then you'd just be playing some pathetic simulation instead of a game.

And of course Crni agrees. Gamers can be so pathetically picky.

Well, for me this game is a little miracle, a blast in the past.
Man, some of this site's members are so tiresome, can't find joy in anything other than picking apart even indie games that are trying to cater to the gameplay they claim to desire. I could literally replace the words "Underrail" and "Fallout" and nearly come up with the same conclusion. In Fallout you're the next iteration of "THE ONLY REMAINING HOPE", even though there's a whole horde of fuckwits picking their assholes in the vault instead of trying to form a team(There is an arsenal with several men worth of weapons, after all); don't see how this is different in Underrail other than the community doesn't lock you out illogically, offering no support for this immensely important mission they sent you out on in a Spandex suit. Obviously, you don't have to care about the objective in any of these realities if you don't want to, but then you'd just be playing some pathetic simulation instead of a game.

And of course Crni agrees. Gamers can be so pathetically picky.

Some people enjoyed Fallout for different reasons I guess. I'm getting it ASAP.
Any questionable design has to be challenged! The Age of Decadence is getting major update in the next couple of days thanks to it, thanks to all players who've raised their voices and expressed their disappointment. And vice versa - why would Todd change anything when millions of his fanboys keep licking his greasy balls without any complaint? :mrgreen:
I was wondering when the story would actually begin. Oh well, the gameplay is awesome. And so far stuff has been pretty hard. I'm pretty sure I'll have to start over with a different skill set, because I'm having a lot of trouble and I'm not even that far into the game. It's nice to have to actually work for stuff in this game. :D
I was wondering when the story would actually begin. Oh well, the gameplay is awesome. And so far stuff has been pretty hard. I'm pretty sure I'll have to start over with a different skill set, because I'm having a lot of trouble and I'm not even that far into the game. It's nice to have to actually work for stuff in this game. :D

where are you in the main quest?
I was still checking out the GMS compound, and got horribly mangled quite some times. Damn, you have to pay attention to what items and skills you use in this game. Everything counts. Restarted now, feeling more confident.
Yes, GMS compund is pretty a bottleneck for the various builds. If can help there's a character creator: http://underrail.info.tm/
The story open up after a while, i put 30 hrs before see something "big" going on. The game is also pretty long.
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Man, some of this site's members are so tiresome, can't find joy in anything other than picking apart even indie games that are trying to cater to the gameplay they claim to desire.
Gamers can be so pathetically picky.
I guess you're talking about me?

I liked Age of Decadence a lot (though it's not without flaws in its current iteration).
I just haven't gotten sucked into Underrail so far. The narrative is lackluster to me, the world itself often inconsistent & fails to motivate me as a player. Since the world is punishing, I'm finding myself wondering if it's worth carrying on or not.

Aside from the lack of motivation, there's a lot of small things, like when you're sent to the Junkyard, it's portrayed as a large hub for trade. Which it totally is. So I packed up as much of my junk I could carry, and went there. Turns out none of the stuff I packed can be sold there. None of the merchants accepts any of it, even though it's all useful shit. And to trade with them you need to exchange your local money with the "world's" money at retarded exchange rates instead. It makes no sense for them not to barter with you otherwise and knocks me straight of the game world. It's just not immersive.

Just as people on this forum are allowed to like FO3/FO:NV/FO4, I'm allowed to voice my concerns & criticism of Underrail? Hell, I backed it, so contributed to it being a thing in the first place.
You're absolutely free to disagree with my assessment.

That said, it wouldn't be the first dev to call me an "Internet Curmudgeon with a Heart of Radioactive Gold". ;)
I also rail against the inconsistency of Fallout 2 (New Reno & San Fran are horrendous from a world design POV, the easter eggs & slapstick humour are horrendously out of place, etc). So don't feel like I somehow single out Underrail.

I mean, if I were an isolated underground community, I would totally recruit people I didn't know just to send them on suicide missions...
Oh sure, no doubt about that. But if you don't motivate them the right way, you will find quite a few people saying FUCK YOU AND YOUR BULLSHIT QUESTS. :evil:
Man, some of this site's members are so tiresome, can't find joy in anything other than picking apart even indie games that are trying to cater to the gameplay they claim to desire.
Gamers can be so pathetically picky.
I guess you're talking about me?

I liked Age of Decadence a lot (though it's not without flaws in its current iteration).
I just haven't gotten sucked into Underrail so far. The narrative is lackluster to me, the world itself often inconsistent & fails to motivate me as a player. Since the world is punishing, I'm finding myself wondering if it's worth carrying on or not.

Aside from the lack of motivation, there's a lot of small things, like when you're sent to the Junkyard, it's portrayed as a large hub for trade. Which it totally is. So I packed up as much of my junk I could carry, and went there. Turns out none of the stuff I packed can be sold there. None of the merchants accepts any of it, even though it's all useful shit. And to trade with them you need to exchange your local money with the "world's" money at retarded exchange rates instead. It makes no sense for them not to barter with you otherwise and knocks me straight of the game world. It's just not immersive.

Just as people on this forum are allowed to like FO3/FO:NV/FO4, I'm allowed to voice my concerns & criticism of Underrail? Hell, I backed it, so contributed to it being a thing in the first place.
You're absolutely free to disagree with my assessment.

That said, it wouldn't be the first dev to call me an "Internet Curmudgeon with a Heart of Radioactive Gold". ;)
I also rail against the inconsistency of Fallout 2 (New Reno & San Fran are horrendous from a world design POV, the easter eggs & slapstick humour are horrendously out of place, etc). So don't feel like I somehow single out Underrail.

I mean, if I were an isolated underground community, I would totally recruit people I didn't know just to send them on suicide missions...
Oh sure, no doubt about that. But if you don't motivate them the right way, you will find quite a few people saying FUCK YOU AND YOUR BULLSHIT QUESTS. :evil:

You can actually say that.
Beside this, not every merchat is willing to buy everything you got in you inventory, and the rate Exchange hasn't to be fair, after all junkyard and sgs are two different and indipendent cities. Not to mention that junkyard is lead by scum.
The game is difficult, a lot difficult, but with the right build it became much less punitive, you can also choose the oddities xp system and go for a total stealth and avoid most of the firefights.

And about the narrative, it's a bit slow, but it became much more interesting after you can leave junkyard and sgs.
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Beside this, not every merchat is willing to buy everything you got in you inventory, and the rate Exchange hasn't to be fair, after all junkyard and sgs are two different and indipendent cities. Not to mention that junkyard is lead by scum.
No problem with merchants not accepting stuff that's not in their own trade range. Or a merchant here & there only accepting money because he has enough junk already.

But none of them wanting to accept stuff from prior in the game? Ugh. That's just weak. Especially since there's already a huge markdown on bartered stuff.
They accept stuff from prior in the game, it varies a lot from time to time, but it never excludes everything you got before, it's always X firearms, X leather armors etc. Bad luck when you first arrived if you couldn't sell anything. It's a bit too harsh to be realistic, perfect for game balance and slightly better than any trader buying anything including rocks.

You don't like exchance rates? lol. Just buy ammo etc for your SGS credits back home and then sell everything you loot in Junkyard for Charons. No exchange rate to worry about.