Unkillable Children and Can You Mod Them Out

Silencer said:
Vault 69er said:
Probably because they weren't in the game originally.
Right, I misinterpreted what I had read earlier here.

Alas, the SIMS de-censorship mod had revealed what was there originally :)

Oh. Perhaps EA has too much money for them to mess with.
Or maybe it's the combination of nudity + gore/violence which got Oblivion it's M rating.

Sorrow said:
They should cut off their nipples and genitals if they hate them so much....

Well, Jews and Muslims do practice genital mutilation.. :whistle:
Vault 69er said:
Well, Jews and Muslims do practice genital mutilation.. :whistle:
To be nitpicky, female circumcision (I presume that's what you were referring to) is not really a Muslim practice, per se. Quite a lot of the Muslim world doesn't even do it. It's really more of a cultural thing that is only practiced in certain areas. Of course, it's still telling that the practice isn't amoral by the standards of the Muslim faith.
Vault 69er said:
Americo-Christian fundamentalist values being imposed on everyone.
Genitals are evil in fundie mentality, as are female nipples (because as we know, all women are evil temptresses and must hide their evil body parts to protect the pious men of our glorious patriarchal society :roll: ).

Not to start a religious war... but there is a difference between a "Christian fundamentalist" and a neo-con pseudo-Christian fundamentalist.

Neo-con fundamentalists don't go out and feed and wash the feet of the homeless, take in complete strangers into their home and welcome them as family, street-preach/evangelize on a one-to-one basis, or lay anything down for their enemy. They preach about sin, and force their morals down everyone's throat, whether anyone likes it or not, or whether they accurately represent the Bible or not, without showing much effort to follow those guidelines themselves... much akin to the Pharisees of old.

Christian fundamentalists understand the concept of "I'll tell you that such-and-such is bad for you and why it's bad for you (especially if you are a fellow Christian), and if you choose to stop, I'll be with you every step of the way, but if you want to do it, I'm not going to condemn or stop you, as that's God's place" (see Eze 3:17-21, Mat 10:12-14, Luke 9:52-54, and John 4:1-42).

On topic (and mods, please forgive the rant, but I tire of being misrepresented by the masses as being one of those who 'have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge'), it is not American Christian fundamentalists that hinder the topics within FO... it's idiocy, ill-borne zealotry, and hypocracy that does.

Briosafreak said:
It's actually forbidden in the Al-kurán, and male circumcision isn't something restricted to Jewish.

For the record, a little bit of trivia... the word, "Al" in Arabic, means, "the" in English. Either say, "the Koran/Quran/Kurán" or "Al-Koran/Al-Quran/Al-Kurán", but both is weird and linguistically wrong. ;)
Seraphim Pwns U said:
Briosafreak said:
It's actually forbidden in the Al-kurán, and male circumcision isn't something restricted to Jewish.

For the record, a little bit of trivia... the word, "Al" in Arabic, means, "the" in English. Either say, "the Koran/Quran/Kurán" or "Al-Koran/Al-Quran/Al-Kurán", but both is weird and linguistically wrong. ;)

Yeah, we have hundreds of words with "Al" in our own language, out of Moorish influence, so sometimes I forget I'm using the original sense. Since I'm studying Islamism and cultural diferences for a couple of years, and writing something about Militant Islamism, Realism and feminism that was an even more embarrassing mistake than what you think :oops: , thanks Seraphin, you're really cool 8-)