Unmasking the Gamers: Tim Cain


But best title ever!
After talking with Chris Avellone, J.E. Sawyer, Jason Bergman and other members of the industry and not, Will Ooi turned his pointed questions to veteran designer, member of the original Fallout team and one of the founders of the unfortunately short-lived Troika Games studio Tim Cain (the interview is available both on Gamasutra and on his personal blog), while also taking the chance to shed some light on his recent decisions regarding his career. Here's on that subject:<blockquote>Will Ooi: Hi Mr Cain, thank you very much for taking part in this interview series, and first of all congratulations on securing a role at Obsidian. How do you feel about this move, and what does it mean for your and Obsidian's future plans?

Tim Cain: I really enjoy working at Obsidian. I know many of the people there from our time at Interplay or Troika, and I have played all of Obsidian's games, so in many ways this new job was the smoothest transition I have ever made. Everyone there has been very friendly and welcoming, and I am excited to be back in the RPG game space.

But I should explain that I am a temporary contracted employee at Obsidian. I am considering joining another company in the spring of 2012 and have been talking with them since August, so in the meantime I am working at Obsidian on one of their games as a senior programmer. My contract extends thru March of 2012, at which time all parties (myself, Obsidian and the other company) can decide what the next step should be.


Will Ooi: Are you able to share anything about your time at Carbine Studios, and the Wildstar MMO title you were working on?

Tim Cain: I enjoyed working at Carbine, first as the Programming Director and then shifting to the Design Director role. These roles gave me the opportunity to work on an MMO's development from different perspectives, and I thought Wildstar was shaping up to be a world-class MMO. I loved the demo they presented at GamesCom in Germany in August. The game looks awesome.

As for my leaving, that had nothing to do with the quality of the game. I had joined the team in 2005 expecting a five year development cycle. After six years, it became obvious that the game would be in development for several additional years, and that was longer than I was willing to commit to the title.


WO: What are the challenges or pitfalls one faces when running their own game development studio?

TC: For me personally, the challenge was learning how to run a business and to negotiate contracts with publishers, which are skills that have nothing to do with making good games. But if you make mistakes in those areas, your games will suffer. I would recommend keeping them separate. In other words, I should have hired a biz guy. :)</blockquote>Don't forget to read the interview in its entirety, lots of good stuff in it, including Tim's opinion on New Vegas, whether he thinks there's a place in today's market for iso/turn-based games and more.
Yay! I love Tim Cain. I'm eager to know the name of the company he'll move with next year.

WO: Any chance of there being an Arcanum sequel at Obsidian?

TC: Anything is possible.
We're so doomed...
Perhaps he should consider staying at Obsidian instead of joining another studio that wouldn't hire him right away. ;)

We're so doomed...

Indeed! We're doomed if if doesn't happen after this tease. 8-)
Well, wasn't Arcanum was originally meant to be FPRPG in the style of Bloodlines before they canned that idea and just went isometric? I'm sure its setting could work fine under the Action RPG guise with Tim Cain working on it.

Because let's face it, the chance we'll ever see a new isometric TBRPG PC exclusive game from Obsidian is quite small.
Roger Ebert is wrong. Games are art..

Yeah... Ebert is seemingly ignorant on the subject, otherwise he may have tried something out, like Myst for example. Has he confessed whether or not he's played video games?

I really liked Fallout: New Vegas. I thought it was the most Fallout-y of the post-original games, especially humor-wise, and I think the designers at Obsidian really understand and respect the franchise.


WO: Fans of the series might be allowing themselves to get a bit excited over the prospect of Cain-Sawyer-Avellone contributing to a future Fallout title, even though its early days and, of course, provided Bethesda outsources another future game to Obsidian. Fingers crossed?

TC: As I said above, anything is possible.

Granted, but nice to read.

Reconite said:
Because let's face it, the chance we'll ever see a new isometric TBRPG PC exclusive game from Obsidian is quite small.

Yeah, the games he listed as being good iso games were Titan Quest(out of business, now developing Grim Dawn under a new studio), Diablo 3(duh) and Magika(not sure how successful). Pretty shitty list for the spread in release years and none of them being a true RPG.
Makagulfazel said:
Yeah, the games he listed as being good iso games were Titan Quest(out of business, now developing Grim Dawn under a new studio), Diablo 3(duh) and Magika(not sure how successful). Pretty shitty list for the spread in release years and none of them being a true RPG.
Yes, can't tell for Magicka but the list surprised me. I mean, you'd expect the creator of Fallout to have some nice tastes, and instead he plays H&S :D Nothing wrong with Titan Quest, but it's a game that eats too much time and it's just a random hack&slash. Anyway it's just the games he plays, not his favourite ones... I'm playing some shitty (rpg-wise) games too atm. :D
Makagulfazel said:
Roger Ebert is wrong. Games are art..

Yeah... Ebert is seemingly ignorant on the subject, otherwise he may have tried something out, like Myst for example. Has he confessed whether or not he's played video games?

A few years, he wrote that he was wrong to judge so harshly something he knew so little about, in his blog.
What? Tim is at Obsidian only temporarily? WHAT?!?

I hope he stays with them. Though I wonder what that mysterious company is.

..now to read rest of the interview.
Paul_cz said:
Though I wonder what that mysterious company is.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. If he leaves Obsidian, it must be something pretty interesting. Or a huge paycheck. Or both.

Oh damn I hope it is not Blizzard. One legendary Fallout dev there is one more than they should have.
In fact, with D3 being almost finished, Leon should just pack it up and join Obsidian too :D
He's going to Maryland to join Bethesda. :smugoticon:

...before someone thinks I have an insider source and Tim sues me, I should note that this was a joke. I have no idea what the mysterious company is, unfortunately.
what I'm most curious about is what Obsidian is working on at this moment. they would't hire him as a programmer if they weren't working on a project, and especially not if it's only temporary, right? maybe I'm just behind on the news, but there's no word on Obsidians next project, is there?
aenemic said:
what I'm most curious about is what Obsidian is working on at this moment. they would't hire him as a programmer if they weren't working on a project, and especially not if it's only temporary, right? maybe I'm just behind on the news, but there's no word on Obsidians next project, is there?

Word on the web is, that they might be developing an Icewind Dale sequel, with Atari selling the rights to D&D cRPGs and all.. They also aquired a license to some "popular animated series" (can't find the link right now, will edit it in later).
Surf Solar said:
Izual said:
WO: Any chance of there being an Arcanum sequel at Obsidian?

TC: Anything is possible.
We're so doomed...

How comes?

Take F1, for example, this friggin' thing is ruining my life!!!
I forget to feed my dog sometimes, my girlfriend complains I spend too much time playing the game and even my brothers are saying they don't see me too much as in the past.
I'm really doomed. :D

Concerning TBRPG, the chance we see another game in these times of 3D T/FPS are zero.
The perception about isometric view by gamers was always misleading, we have A LOT of titles with iso view now and then.
Trully fantastic interview.

BTW, there's a way to put a "take all" button at the inventory interface like F2 has? That's the only thing I miss.
I use TeamX 1.2, 1.3.5, sfall and high-resolution 1.3 patches.
Surf Solar said:
aenemic said:
what I'm most curious about is what Obsidian is working on at this moment. they would't hire him as a programmer if they weren't working on a project, and especially not if it's only temporary, right? maybe I'm just behind on the news, but there's no word on Obsidians next project, is there?

Word on the web is, that they might be developing an Icewind Dale sequel, with Atari selling the rights to D&D cRPGs and all.. They also aquired a license to some "popular animated series" (can't find the link right now, will edit it in later).

whoa, that's interesting. gonna have to have a look around.

I found this btw: http://www.obsidian.net/jobs/design/jobs-srleveldesigner-20111019.html

2D environments in a "stylized rpg"? must have something with that animated franchise to do.
Surf Solar said:
aenemic said:
what I'm most curious about is what Obsidian is working on at this moment. they would't hire him as a programmer if they weren't working on a project, and especially not if it's only temporary, right? maybe I'm just behind on the news, but there's no word on Obsidians next project, is there?

Word on the web is, that they might be developing an Icewind Dale sequel, with Atari selling the rights to D&D cRPGs and all.. They also aquired a license to some "popular animated series" (can't find the link right now, will edit it in later).

Theres not much indication at all that they are working on a Icewind Dale RPG. From what I gathered

Virginia = XBLA Action RPG / Project Lead Zane Lyon
North Carolina? = Original IP / Project Lead Josh Sawyer
New York = Animation Project 2D/Project Lead Unknown

And they probably hired Tim because he looked for work in the downtime from this year to the next and they had a position open.