First time out of the vault

No luck, however I think I have some details on the problem.Try this. Unpack it into the mod folder.
The patch000.dat file seems to be in Russian despite me choosing the english installation. When swap the patch001.dat and rename it as patch000.dat the game seems to be in english, however the patch001 files seem to have the Fallout 2 maps and diolog while the patch000.dat file seems to have the Fallout Nevada files. Either something is wrong with the installer or my copy of Fallout(which is the Steam version) seems to be reading the patch000.dat file wrong. One sidenote is that when I swap the patch000.dat file with the patch001.dat file the character selection screen shows the names for the Fallout Nevada characters along with their descriptions, despite the character portraits being from Fallout 2. Odd, but I think i'm closing in on the main reason why it's not installing properly.