Upload your FRMs to the modding wiki!


Vault Fossil

The Repository can be found here



That's right! I put in a request to wikia, and they have approved the upload of FRMs. We can now build a media library of custom art with ease. Although I appreciate the custom art repositorys attempt, it was a pain in the ass to use.

Here is the first FRM I upped as an example:


We would need to index them with a JPG or Gif example, to show what they are, but you can DL them easy enough now. Me / Ghouly will create some upload templates ASAP (Ghouly if you are around I am away for a few hours, so feel free).

Good move! Once a GIF preview is in place, this will serve as an excellent source of information about ongoing projects.

It should be thought about a good way to categorize items first. Else we might end up in a mess.
Sounds like a good idea, but I will need to see how it turns out. Each of the categories – critters - walls – tiles – scenery – items/inventory – misc – talking heads - will obviously need their own thread. Will this also be a depositary where people can download the actual FRM’s? If so where will the files be stored?

I think there should be some sort of visual format for the tiles; otherwise we could be overwhelmed by the sheer numbers. Maybe each type could be made in blocks. As well I think the artwork should be wrapped in our favorite blue. :P

You are a champion, Tom!!

Excellent work. I'm sure my complaining about the custom art depository was a factor ;) :mrgreen:

But yes - i agree with Lexx that we first need a very organized categorization system, that isn't overcomplicated like the art repository was.

I agree with Pixote we could have a different 'thread'/page whatever for each category - tiles, scenery, critters, etc.

Then simply a BMP showing how it looks, a description, and the download link and that's it. Nice and simple. Maybe the most downloaded could appear at the top of the page in case it gets cluttered with half-finished stuff?
.Pixote. said:
Will this also be a depositary where people can download the actual FRM’s? If so where will the files be stored?

Yes. Click the adobe link as an example to download. Unfortunately you would have to open each page, and click each link separately, but if we have a master index, we can direct link the DL for speed.

I am thinking we create the following categories, then make an article similar to the original art indexes hosted on the wiki:


[[Category:Custom Art - Hero Androgynous]]
[[Category:Custom Art - Hero Female]]
[[Category:Custom Art - Hero Male]]
[[Category:Custom Art - NPC Androgynous]]
[[Category:Custom Art - NPC Male]]
[[Category:Custom Art - NPC Female]]
[[Category:Custom Art - Critters]]

[[Category:Custom Art - Scenery]]
[[Category:Custom Art - Doors]]
[[Category:Custom Art - Walls]]
[[Category:Custom Art - Tiles]]

[[Category:Custom Art - Melee Weapons]]
[[Category:Custom Art - Thrown Weapons]]
[[Category:Custom Art - Small Guns]]
[[Category:Custom Art - Big Guns]]
[[Category:Custom Art - Energy Weapons]]
[[Category:Custom Art - Ammo]]
[[Category:Custom Art - Armour]]
[[Category:Custom Art - Drugs, Food & Beer]]
[[Category:Custom Art - Books & Paper]]
[[Category:Custom Art - Keys, Passes & Badges]]
[[Category:Custom Art - Chips, Disks & Parts]]
[[Category:Custom Art - Items]]
[[Category:Custom Art - Bags & Boxes]]
[[Category:Custom Art - Miscellaneous]]
Josan12 said:
Maybe the most downloaded could appear at the top of the page in case it gets cluttered with half-finished stuff?

Or better, separate finished stuff from on-going.
Nice! About the categories there should be a way to have the sets in one as .Pixote suggested. Btw I'm really looking forward to this.
Jotisz said:
Nice! About the categories there should be a way to have the sets in one as .Pixote suggested. Btw I'm really looking forward to this.

You can add an image of a set of FRMs to the master index, then direct link to each individual download in a small info box. This would probably be the best way to go for tiles. You cannot download in sets. Each individual tile will have to be downloaded separately. I doubt wikia will allow us to upload archives. I mean you could add the art to the index and link to an off-site provider, but that defeats the purpose.

My wikia skills are weak right now. I can't remember how to get the damn templates working. Anyway, Ghouly should be on it and the info box should look like this for each FRM page:

|Detailed Description=

We can assign authorship and descriptions to each individual FRM page, and build a clean art index for browsing.
This can be a good way too, after all the most important thing would be to have a place where we could upload the stuffs so they became usable for the masses and won't get lost like many art that used fileshareing sites.
Almost forgot if it start working this tread should get a sticky like the repo had.
I would also suggest to not use a list-kind of way to display stuff. More... uh.. like a table? Else pages can become very long. Of course, displaying stuff in a table would be shit again, if image sizes are too big or so.
Jotisz said:
This can be a good way too, after all the most important thing would be to have a place where we could upload the stuffs so they became usable for the masses and won't get lost like many art that used fileshareing sites.
Almost forgot if it start working this tread should get a sticky like the repo had.

Yeah :D to much art has been lost. When you add to the master tiles index, you don't have to link to the sub-page e.g.


This is a direct link to this Adobe.FRM There is no messing about indexing tiles, just a few clicks from the master index.

Lexx said:
I would also suggest to not use a list-kind of way to display stuff. More... uh.. like a table? Else pages can become very long. Of course, displaying stuff in a table would be shit again, if image sizes are too big or so.

It will be a category list, and separate master tables. Look at the example link in the FO2 art index.
Ghouly89 said:
Nice work Tom :ok:

Just tell me what you need help with, and I'm there :mrgreen:

Could you make the generic intro stuff into a template, so we don't have to copy and paste it. Also all edits, will effect every page associated i.e. everything before "Insert your art below":


My wiki skills are so weak right now. I have not done anything like this for a while.

BTW EVERYONE. Uploads are now working, so start upping your FRMs:

Maybe one general help-page would be better than posting everything in every page. ;)
Lexx said:
Maybe one general help-page would be better than posting everything in every page. ;)

Yeah I guess. Brain no work. Need sleep. Can someone else pick this up while I get some (Ghouly?).