US plans to attack Iran?

The presumption was that if such a 9/11 type event were to take place, Iran would, according to Cheney, be behind it, thereby providing a pretext for punitive bombings, much in the same way as the US sponsored attacks on Afghanistan in October 2001, allegedly in retribution for the alleged support of the Taliban government to the 9/11 terrorists

Alleged is a funny term to use, as well as the use of language for "9/11 terrorists."

I'm not saying it's full of shit, but you have to take the slant with a grain of salt. Why would the United States use nuclear weapons without threatening to use them first? Is the carrier group a nuclear tripwire? Are we baiting one of our own fleets for Iranian sunburns?

I'd say it's a bit of a stretch, but then again there was a recent article at the Mises institute proposing that the Republican 180 on the Minimum Wage Raise may be an effort to increase the recruitment pool.

In any case, I doubt we'd use tactical nukes, because there are no targets for them. Unless of course, the Iranians mobilized the Basij.