Look, Ma! Two Heads!

I recently beat the first two games as a melee only character, starting with melee weapons, then moving on to use unarmed later in the game. Well first of all, a melee character is much harder than using a character who specializes in long range combat with guns because much of your opposition uses guns and you need to get close to attack which can take a couple of turns. And secondly, a melee only build isn't as fun because you never get to see any of those awesome death animations when you kill an enemy. Of course, building up your unarmed attack skill allows you to easily complete certain mini quests such as boxing in New Reno and the martial art battles in San Francisco.
Now from what I have seen, a lot of npcs, both enemy and ally actually use both guns and melee, switching to melee when they don't have enough action points or when an enemy gets too close. In Fallout 3 and New Vegas, all companions, with the exception of Rex have both long range and melee attacks.
So want I want to ask is, is it possible to specialize in both guns and melee. Is it recommended? Does anyone have experience with doing so?
Now from what I have seen, a lot of npcs, both enemy and ally actually use both guns and melee, switching to melee when they don't have enough action points or when an enemy gets too close. In Fallout 3 and New Vegas, all companions, with the exception of Rex have both long range and melee attacks.
So want I want to ask is, is it possible to specialize in both guns and melee. Is it recommended? Does anyone have experience with doing so?