Using the BIS mapper to edit/create a new proto.

Took ages getting this set up and tried making a new critter proto using the mapper. I can edit a new critter with a new .FRM and it will show up as a brand new critter in the mapper. It adds the .pro to critters.lst BUT the mapper does not generate a .pro/.txt file in my fallout2/dev/proto/critters folder.

Am I stupider or just missing something here???
Your dev folder is on the same partition as the mapper? Also not in any subfolder? Is librarian set to 1 in the mapper2.cfg?
I 'minefielded' my entire computer with dev folders hoping BIS mapper would find one good looking enough to nest in, to no avail. Tried making a new map and all i got was an empty MAPS folder. So i got a bit desperado and decided to get a VM running Windows 7, to maybe coax the mapper into giving me the stuff. Bad news. BIS mapper wont run on the VM. good news is that Proto Manager will (didn't get it to run on my real machine) So unless I figure something out with a clean slate, I will become a computer clown that juggles files around.

Will make another post if I get things running for real.
Ok so I realized I could just load any .pro file into f2wedit and make whatever prototype I wanted. So mapper problem effectively averted.