Van Buren and TORN on Gamespot's Heartbreakers

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
GameSpot is doing showcases of a number of cancelled games, including BIS' killed products TORN and Van Buren. There's quite a lot of factual mistakes in there, but it's worth the read. MCA had some comments to add:<blockquote>"For Fallout 3, I wasn't there for the last six months of the project, so I couldn't say for sure. I will say that from what I saw of the demo, a number of interface issues were working, basic combat was working (as well as some neat combat AI), and a number of props and pieces of the tilesets were done. I know a number of area overviews and concept art were completed, and some dialogue writing, but I don't know the full extent of it." Yes, Fallout 3 is being developed, but by Morrowind creator Bethesda Softworks. "I doubt it will be the same Fallout 3 we envisioned at Black Isle, but I think at least now there's a good chance it can be finished," says Avellone. </blockquote>Gamespot had the following things to say:<blockquote>What more could a Fallout fan possibly want? Fallout 3, of course! This game, code-named Van Buren by Interplay's internal Black Isle Studios was supposed to be the series' magnum opus. While the first two games had been set in California, the next chapter was going to take place in the Rocky Mountains, in and around the settlement of Denver. According to excited developer commentary and leaked screenshots, Black Isle Studios had developed a brand-new 3D engine for the game (Fallout 1 and 2 were both sprite-based and isometric), and they were planning to introduce a range of revolutionary new features to the Fallout universe--perhaps including online multiplayer and cooperative play.</blockquote>Link: TORN Heartbreakers article on GameSpot
Link: Van Buren Heartbreakers article on GameSpot

Thanks Briosafreak and someone who forgot to leave his name!
At least we shouldn't carry on the factual mistake of calling Van Buren Fallout 3, which it never became, and which is now something else.
Per said:
At least we shouldn't carry on the factual mistake of calling Van Buren Fallout 3, which it never became, and which is now something else.

True that, I did link to it properly, but I'll edit out other mentions to
Van Buren gone...... but not forgotten....

I hope someday we get to see that demo. does Bethesda have all the Van Buren stuff? or is it still haunting interplay ?

If Bethesda owns it I doubt we ever get to see wat Van Buren was truly like :(
Oracle said:
I hope someday we get to see that demo. does Bethesda have all the Van Buren stuff? or is it still haunting interplay ?

If Bethesda owns it I doubt we ever get to see wat Van Buren was truly like :(

Bethesda has all the stuff, but not the right to spread it. Interplay has it all and the right to hand it out as they deem fit, anything from Fallout documentation to source codes to Van Buren's demo...

I don't think Interplay has much of a reason to like us enough to start handouts, though
evil_lemming said:
When Interplay dies will Bethesda be able to release the tech demo?

Presumably if and when Interplay dies all their property will go into a yard sale to pay back debts. Anyone can then buy the Fallout license as well as other Fallout property and all rights to release it as they will. For now all Bethesda has permanently, even if Interplay dies, is the right to make Fallout 3, I'm not sure if their option for 4 and 5 remains open if Interplay drowns