Van Buren Concepts Integration Mod?


First time out of the vault
Hey guys, first up sorry about posting with a nub account, i've been a longtime lurker but never really needed to say anything til now.

Anyway, I've been reading through the Van Buren design documents again for the millionth time, and it made me start
wondering - given we're anticipating a title with the same genetics as a highly versatile and modifiable existing game (TES4), and all
this amazing concept material has been so kindly devised by the original BIS team.. wouldn't it make some modicum of sense to
combine the two?

Now I realise that this may be considered as heresy by some, and don't get me wrong, I'm as disappointed as the next guy that VB
got canned.. but it would be an amazing tribute to the original creators of a game we all love so dearly, to see their plans and
ideas ultimately come to fruition in some way.

This being said, I'm certainly not saying I could do it all (my modding/mapping background is in the Source engine), hell, I only
bought Oblivion when I heard they were using the engine for FO3. I'm more putting this out there as an idea that I hadn't seen
around on the forums. It seems it could the kind of thing a dedicated team would work well with. (That being said, if a SDK is
made available, I'll definately be attempting to learn!)

Obviously I'm not proposing the manufacture of an entirely new game, but perhaps just a mod or series of mod packages that add
new locations, characters and quests inspired by the design documents. (This makes a lot more sense if you've already played
with Oblivion and it's mods).

Obviously canonical purists may find this whole idea reprehensible, but personally I'd jump at the chance to repair The Nursery, tangle
with the Daughters of Hecate and Caesar's Legion, or pay the Twin Mothers tribe a visit.

Oh, and mods? Sorry if this has already been covered, or is in the wrong section, please delete/move accordingly. Thanks for your
time, guys, and keep up the good work :)

tl;dr - The ideas for Van Buren were awesome. Just because the original game didn't make the final cut doesn't mean the ideas have
to die with it.. does it? :shock:
Total conversions for Oblivion almost never come to anything. Silgrad Tower and Tamriel Rebuilt (the two largest and most active) have been working for almost 3 years and still aren't complete. Most others die before even accomplishing anything.
The idea is great. And I would like to point out that this is not a total conversion. This is a Fallout/Art Deco/Retro future scenery so lots of things is already in there. What would be needed are the unique building for some locations. I support the idea. Although I only ever did maps and some static pictures for a few games, my knowledge is limited but I'm willing to learn.
TheRatKing said:
This sounds like a great idea, would take a LOT of effort though. Too bad I can't mod for shit.
That doesn't mean anything. The question is: would you like to contribute to the modding scene? It's quite to get started if you got the desire to do so.
I'm bassicaly laughing my ass off on such pathetic Van Buren revivalists that always ends up really ingloriously (hey, Muff, where you are?), but it looks like an unchangeable circle of naive nostalgy... :)

Seriously, guys. If so, prepare 5 years of vacation for yourselves and another 1 for studying of a Fallout lore, principles, hiring of a proper team, etc. Plus trust that FO3 won't be considered written of and generally "out" up until finished.

EDIT: "Van Buuren"? What the fuck? Looks very Dutch. :shock:
Your point is valid, Jesterka, but I'm not clear why you need to insult people to make it. Cool it.
Jesterka said:
Mr. Lizard strikes again! :o

Return to poor past-gen retarded engine and left alone modding of next-crap Fallout? game. Enough! And beware! Some shiny day some next-crap monster may eat your BGE project!
Yeah, dunno what the hell I was thinking when I kept punching in that second 'u', I blame it being late and me being fried from uni. I suppose you could attribute it to the language barrier, I'm Australian :D Fixed now anyway.

Zer0 is correct, this wouldn't be a total conversion at all. The way I envisioned it, the interface, textures, models etc would be unchanged - it'd simply be, as titled, an 'integration' mod. Creating a few new areas to explore in-game, with NPCs and quests, inspired by the VB design docs.

Perhaps, yes, a few custom pieces might be required for some of the more alternative areas, but of course that's all speculative.

As for Jesterka's tangent.. I'm not really sure what to make of it. It doesn't even seem to really make sense. I'm in no way a VB 'revivalist', yes I played the tech demo (hasn't everyone?), but I realise that there's no realistic way fans could create/alter what currently exists to turn it into a viable game. It's not even about Van Buren as a game at all, really.. I just think that some of the creative ideas that were generated during the initial development process were incredibly cool, and it would likewise be cool to see them in effect, even if it is from inside the current FO3, and technically it's all now non-canon.

Either way, thanks for your opinions guys :)