Vault 106: Stuck in it


First time out of the vault
Hello everybody...

Although I have some freeze issues, I kept on playing F3 (still lev6 :-/) and I entered... this... hmmm... marvellous Vault 106.

So the effects are quite funny, I really like to see my character completely drugged, and so on... but... How the hell am I supposed to exit the Vault?

I searched for more than 30 minutes, going back and forth in the Vault but I am unable to find my way back to... fresh... erm... wastelands :-)

Whoever can help me gets a "BobbleHead F3 Bugs - 50% IRL" ^^

Thanks in advance,

I've been in and out of Vault 106 twice and never had this problem, but maybe I missed something.

Just set an active quest and follow the compass.
That's what I did but... the exact location seem to move each time I check my Pipboy.

It means that, sometimes, I see it on main room (the one with the round window with an inside view to overseer's office), near laboratory access,... completely disappointing (especially with this flashback effect).

I know that's the point Bethesda wanted to reach but... It's a bit too much for me (at least currently), I've got to admit :)

I'll retry soon... because Vault 106 is making me... nervous :s
The exit door is the one in the big two-story room, it's in the corner of the second story, kind of hidden in the dark.

Don't check your PipBoy, just follow your quest compass. Alternatively, if you have any followers, fire them and follow them.
did not notice that the current quest pointer would lead you exactly to Vault's gate...

Thanks for the advice :)

I think I understood what happened... I crossed a "closed door" that was opened during the hallucination, meaning that, when I got back in 'normal condition', it was closed...

This one was completely disappointing :-s