Vault-113 OOC

You also may have skill oriented things. For example Outdoorsman would be entitled to an Extra Canteen.

Lockpicking - gets lockpick set (basic set or roll for better one)

That sort of thing.
Alright so describe the place your in and how far away it is from where you exited the water. Trying to figure out the best way to meet you folks.
Look at the map, the waste disposal is marked. It's a bit left off the main road, the side road becomes a canyon.
Alright, essentially, John isn't very far behind, if not already there. I'll leave it up to you Gonzalez on when John arrives. It should be hillarious as he is buck naked atm except for the load bearing vest and the belt/holster.
It's a radscorpion.


This is getting fun! :)

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anyone know whats up with silk?

i know its your show gonz but we are gonna have to explain the absense before long.

i remember welsh would kill the stragglers off and have returning folks make a new character.

made things interesting.
She went to Vault 101 ages ago. The party is going to Vault 106 which is nearer.
Markus takes right, where there is a raider with an SMG standing guard, Wu takes center where there is a stairs that goes downwards and to the right, a raider appears from those stairs once he hears the shooting upstairs. Ramses takes left, there is a female raider sleeping there with an assault rifle next to her.

None of the raiders will surrender even when caught off guard. They are normal humans and they can all die eve with a single will placed shot.

All actions happen almost simultaneously, only exception being the raider from the stairs that comes running two seconds delayed, but only Wu resolves taking him out.
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I should had also said it all happens in the same room, kind like this ;)

The layout of the place is a small building, all one room, and then a tunnel that connects with the other small building at the other side of the fence. We still have one tunnel and one more room to clear.

Also, since I'm giving info on the layout, the place doesn't look like a permanent base, but just like they were spending the night there. Unlucky coincidence.

Maybe now Wu or Ramses could take point, and "decide" how the remaining two raiders are dealt with. Remember they are now alerted and might try to ambush you. ;)
I dunno, fatal funnels are not Johns idea of a good time.

Any alternate methods of getting in?

Otherwise, Markus and Ramses can draw fire from outside while John sneaks in.
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You are metagaming. Draw fire from who? You and I know there are 2 raiders left, but neither Wu, Ramses nor Markus know if there is anyone else around. Going down the tunnel is just like any other corridor or hallway, with no doors to the sides for that matter, and at the end of it just another room to clear. With no knowledge of anyone else inside, going down there is a calculated risk.

Also there are no windows in either of the buildings.

I suppose Markus can take point, put his police training at work and show Wu and Ramses how it's done. ;)

Unless Ramses wants to do it. Is his CQB training still fresh, Carib ;)?
That's what I like to hear. Want to take point? I'll go as number 2. There is an S shaped tunnel, so remember there are two corners before reaching the next room.

Be as creative as you want, you can kill one or both, or even signal to Markus and Wu what you want to do.
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Been busy with real life. There will be an update soon. Things will be explained, new plot reveals and new choices, this time moral choices, not just take left or right. Also you will se some consequences of your decisions up untill now.
Yeah, I know, I've been sucked up by Fallout 4, I'm still on my 3rd play trough, 115 hours logged, and there is still so much more to discover. There is even an article on how visits to porn sites have dropped drastically after the release of Fallout 4, this thing is worse than crack!

Anyway it shouldn't take long for this first "chapter" to finish, and then maybe we can start another one, or perhaps start a new game based on FO4.

The decision has been made to go after the water chip. @DarkCorp ready to continue?