Vault 146 : A new life in the Vault OCC


First time out of the vault
1.Your position ( I am the Overseer ) [ positions include : Guard , Dweller , or Cirminal .
2. Age
3. Having fun.
Deadline:January 1st 2014
pyroD said:
It's sarcasm, basically he's saying to elaborate more on what you're doing.

God so many people use that today I can't tell if it's real or fake ethier way I really don't care.
I'll put more into it's just a concept i'll get into detail after I think of the main plot!
Re: Vault 146 : A new life in the Vault

DoctorWho_ said:
1.Your position ( I am the Overseer ) [ positions include : Guard , Dweller , or Cirminal .
2. Age
3. Having fun.

I'll be a Cirminal.
In the Middle Ages.


I'm pretty new to roleplaying, though, so if I'm not doing it right, just tell me.
Re: Vault 146 : A new life in the Vault

alec said:
DoctorWho_ said:
1.Your position ( I am the Overseer ) [ positions include : Guard , Dweller , or Cirminal .
2. Age
3. Having fun.

I'll be a Cirminal.
In the Middle Ages.


I'm pretty new to roleplaying, though, so if I'm not doing it right, just tell me.

No your doing just fine i'm new to this aswell so like yeah.
TheDevilTempest said:
1.Guard 2.35,

Can i be head of security O.O

No, you must rank-up in the roleplay.
You can still be a guard though just not the head of security. ( I'll have the rankings out soon so you know.)
Hmm, if this is still going on I wouldn't mind applying - i've got a concept in mind so all I'd need to know would be setting info, level and other specifics.
1. Dweller - Businessman: Barber / Tailor
2. 24
3. Can do.