Our friends over at Duck and Cover spotted on odd something on Ricardo "socrates200X" Gonzalez' website (currently down):
This image is from a larger image, which "looks like a book-cover, and features the text "So you've become a vampire", "Introducing you to your new un-life" and "Tenpenny Press"."
Gonzalez elucidates:<blockquote>Oh, yeeeah; I remember that! That was one of my unique MS Paint masterpieces that I'm wont to spread about the office. I've misplaced the joke to which this particular image went, but suffice to say, it was pretty funny. You know, vampire funny. One of those "you had to be there" moments. You should see some of the other Photoshopped Vault Boys we have floating around here...</blockquote>
This image is from a larger image, which "looks like a book-cover, and features the text "So you've become a vampire", "Introducing you to your new un-life" and "Tenpenny Press"."
Gonzalez elucidates:<blockquote>Oh, yeeeah; I remember that! That was one of my unique MS Paint masterpieces that I'm wont to spread about the office. I've misplaced the joke to which this particular image went, but suffice to say, it was pretty funny. You know, vampire funny. One of those "you had to be there" moments. You should see some of the other Photoshopped Vault Boys we have floating around here...</blockquote>