vault caffee service [fanart]


First time out of the vault
Hey .
This is like the one person who wud serve u if u ordered som coffee in a vault :D

im high as fuck.
I think the major flaws are the hands, especially the fingers pointing to the also ugly feet. The position of the feet make it look like the guy's hanging somehow. Or maybe he's balancing on a invisible ball?

But I sort of like the surreal look and the different sized buttons.

Looks rather like the surreal version of a homosexual pedophile psycho (the) rapist (hehe) and for those who know me, that's whom I'd prefer to serve my coffee.
I kind of like it but I have to agree with Vox. His hands looks a little off and so does his feet.
That looks like a gay rugby player with boobs dressing up as a ballerina.

"Call me Pooky, hur hur"
It's an interesting style, but it needs some refining.
Nice colour palette as well, except for the pink hue, that's just too much.
i guess thats how they look like in the vault #68, just a month after The Woman had died.

i guess it was a long month too.
i agree.. its gay but its reminds vault city serv.. slaves.. nice clothes... food... home.. stuff?