VC Turret tweak


Vault Senior Citizen
This is a teeny little tweak mod to make the Vault City turrets from the RP look more 'mechanical' in their animation:


Here's the files:
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How did you do this thing? Shitton of manual pixel-labour or recreated as 3d models? Except for the shadows it looks pretty rad.
How did you do this thing? Shitton of manual pixel-labour or recreated as 3d models? Except for the shadows it looks pretty rad.

I didn't make it Lexx - it's from the RP. I'm gonna presume Conti made the 3D model and animation. I just added frames to the animation to make it so it doesn't constantly animate.
This is one of those things I had no idea I wanted until I saw it. Excellent tweak, good job.
I made it...including an attacking (shooting) version. Ideally they should kill you if you attack someone in Vault City, that's the idea anyway. I never added pauses to keep the frame numbers down. :look:

They have all six directions, so if anyone wants to make it work in game - go for it.


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Just create a new proto for art and add it if you just want it to move.
A script would work fine if you wanted it to shoot once maybe... Or if you wanted it to shoot and do an instant kill. Best thing to do would be to make it a critter and add a script and proto file.
I didn't know you could 3D model Pix. I've never found the limit on the number of frames an FRM can handle. I suspect it's quite alot.
The awful thing is those critter protos won't be placable on top of the wall in Vault City, they'd have to be on the ground and make it possible to HtH the things… apparently the turrets only work on targets who aren't obviously raiders, or were hacked to never open fire in the first place by the Bishops. :grin:
I'd have to see what it looks like in game. However, there may be a way around that. By putting hex blockers around the new turret, the player would be unable to use HtH attacks. As for who they attack (or don't) and any other issues (attacking the player's party, being turned off, being reprogrammed to attack VC citizens or raiders, etc.), that could be set up with a little scripting. At least, I would try...
I used them in 2238 back in the days. Simply made them a critter, placed them accordingly and added invisible blockers around them, so you couldn't melee against it. I think that's how it worked. Thought, it's years since, so not 100% sure anymore tbh...