Veterans Day! Honoring those who serve and served

Carib FMJ

Nuka-Cola Chaser
As a veteran and active duty member in the US Military (Army), I want to say thanks to all the vets of past and present who stood up and sacrificed for their country and to include other service members of other nations.

Thanks for your service. I don't think you are given as much credit as you deserve.

And for those like me, who are currently deployed, good luck and stay frosty!

Also I'd like to dedicate this day to my Grand Father, his brothers Carlo, Crycard "Texas" who served with the Royale Engineers in WWII. Also my grand Uncle Alfred Toulon who served on the US Submarine the Grenadier and was a POW in Tokyo Bay till the end of the war.

Also my cousin Joe Grey who served in Germany during the 1980s.

My Uncle Kenneth Dickinson who served with the Marine Corps.

My dad who served with the 7th SF Group during the 80's and early '90s....
"Nation" lol.

I honor my grandfather, and his father, who served in WWII and WWI respectively.

Also for my great uncle and his father, one who served in the British colonial army in India, and the other who served in His Majesty's Navy. They were men who brought glory to my people, before they were backstabbed by internationalist plutocrats.
Today there was a really good turn out at the local Remembrance service. I spent the day with family, my Grandma, Grandpa, and Cousin all served in the British Army - and I thank them for their service.
I don't think members of the military are thanked enough. I don't think many people really appreciate, or even think about and understand the dedication and sacrifice that service men and women give.

So I thank all veterans and those currently serving. Without you, we wouldn't even be here right now.

And Carib, good luck and return safely.
I honor my grandfather, who was a Lustwaffe pilot, was told to fly behind Italians so that he could shoot them down if they fled, and was captured by the British by crash landing into a potato field and then sent to Canada as a POW :D
dad was in the army, vetran of 4 wars

korea, vietnam, desert storm, and i forget the 4th
Faceless_Stranger said:
I honor my grandfather, who was a Lustwaffe pilot, was told to fly behind Italians so that he could shoot them down if they fled, and was captured by the British by crash landing into a potato field and then sent to Canada as a POW :D
Awesome, I had a distant family member who served in the Waffen-SS.

His name was Kurt Meyer.
Once upon the time "American soldiers" were heroes and they were fighting for freedom and democracy.
But nowadays...the myth it´s gone...Korea, Vietnam, Afganistan, and Irak not to speak about the desasterous invasion of Cuba totally useless occcupation not for the better just have brought death, confusion and instability approved and forced by the politicians...that´s the way it goes these days.

Wrong wrong wrong. All american soldiers are heroes. If they got sent on stupid missions then that is the fault of the corrupt washinton politicians who sent them there to die! Any and all horrors visited upon innocents are the result of the enemy using them in their actions or the case of some bad apples amongst the herculian godapples.
Thomas de Aynesworth said:
Faceless_Stranger said:
I honor my grandfather, who was a Lustwaffe pilot, was told to fly behind Italians so that he could shoot them down if they fled, and was captured by the British by crash landing into a potato field and then sent to Canada as a POW :D
Awesome, I had a distant family member who served in the Waffen-SS.

His name was Kurt Meyer.

Youre talking about "the" Kurt Panzer Meyer which was condement for the killing of canadian POWs ?

Loxley said:
Wrong wrong wrong. All american soldiers are heroes. If they got sent on stupid missions then that is the fault of the corrupt washinton politicians who sent them there to die! Any and all horrors visited upon innocents are the result of the enemy using them in their actions or the case of some bad apples amongst the herculian godapples.

smilodom said:
the desasterous invasion of Cuba totally
That was not a war. By the way it was lead by exciled Cubans trained by USmilitary and/or CIA members not US troops which would have caused a third world if there would have been any present in the attack on Cuba. It was about support by the US military for the attack which was denied by Kennedy the moment the invasion started which many at that time believed to have been the cause for the desaster. Yet he prevented probably a third world war that way

Letz be honest here. While many have been brave in their duty that doesnt mean the military is without dickheads either in the higher or lower ranks which never do something wrong. Its a organisation like any other in that respect where humans do good and bad things ~ a corrupt police offers for example or a racistic firefighter. I never understood this "glorification" of the army as whole. Does that mean certain individuals cant be honored for their duty ? No. But it doesnt mean everything is either right or wrong.
smilodom said:
Once upon the time "American soldiers" were heroes and they were fighting for freedom and democracy.
But nowadays...the myth it´s gone...Korea, Vietnam, Afganistan, and Irak not to speak about the desasterous invasion of Cuba totally useless occcupation not for the better just have brought death, confusion and instability approved and forced by the politicians...that´s the way it goes these days.

Wait, do you honestly think there was no controversy about wars before that? Are you kidding me?
smilodom said:
Once upon the time...

And of course when ever someone makes one of these threads some fucktard such as yourself has to come along and make an ass of himself. Some threads never change for sure.

Bit late but happy belated V-day to all those serving. Be safe over there Carib and all others getting deployed.