LinkPain said:
That's why Jurry Rigging is a must .
The problem with Jury Rigging
in my opinion is that unless you are a guns courier, his usefullness is mainly for making money.
With guns it makes a lot of sense raising the repair skill for the Hand Loader perk and since Jury Rigging is only 20 points above, is very easy to achieve.
But for a EW build his benefits are not so very good, since you need another expensive weapon to fix a very expensive weapon. Some weapons really benefits from it, like Tri-Beam Laser being repaired with Laser Rifles, but most don't.
The same applies for explosive weapons, the most usefull weapon in this category, the Grenade Machinegun, can only be repair with another Grenade Machinegun.
Guns build take the most of this perk, since they can use another shitty gun to repair the one they are using it and at the same time use spare weapons for selling.
I'm not saying that the perk is not worthy, IT'S, but my currently explosive/unarmed build benefits very little from it other than making money, with the exception of repairing the various gloves weapons with brass knuckles, of course (but with 50 repair the Weapon Repair Kit already fix a good chunck of the weapon and duct tape are plentifull).
I think it's more usefull putting 90 points in unarmed/melee and taking Piercing Strike (no DT from anyone/anything in the game, unless they are using Power Armor!), Unstoppable Force, Slayer, Stonewall and Super Slam.
But if you are talking of making money in the game, this is the perk if you don't have a very high Luck.
On the rant part of the post, there's a lot of inconsistencies in what levels you can obtain a gun in NV. The Ratslayer is one of them, is hard to put down those rats in early levels and by the time you are strong enough to do it, you have better weapons available and your guns skill will be high enough to use them (Hunting Rifles with scope, ie). The same goes for Gobby sniper rifle, this weapon has NO advantage over the normal sniper rifle, besides less weigh.
In fact, it's worst than his counterpart, since you can't silence it and that lock is clearly out of proportion.
Mercy and Mantis Gauntlet are another ones, by the time you can put your hands in a Mantis Gauntlet you'll probably have Piercing Strike (if you don't have this perk, you should, it really worth the 70 points in unarmed).
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