Victoria: An Empire Under the Sun

Electronics Boutique.

I've started playing Galactic Civilizations again. Turning the AI up makes for a much more rewarding experience.

For instance, I've been at war with the Drengins for years, and their military superiority was destroying every defence I threw up around my border worlds. Time after time I barely avoided invasion by destroying their transports with a spare corvette or cruiser. One time a transport got through and launched an invasion which I barely repelled.

The Alexians (who are currently the most advanced, technologically) though had grown reliant on my trade. And since they were bitter from losing their war with the Drengin, they provided me with battleship technology.

I then converted all of my frigate production orders to battleships, and just barely destroyed another wave of star cruisers and frigates, which were immediately followed by transports, which I also destroyed.

So now I'm organizing a task force to invade Drengin space and try to strong-arm them into ending the war.

Its a bitch being the little guy though. Larger civilizations have no qualms about trying to demand tribute from you, and civs opposite of your moral alignment are more likely to declare war with you every time you reject their demands.

The reason the Drengins declared war in the first place was because I kept refusing to pay them tribute.

Ultimately though, it'll be beneficial to me if I can capture some Drengin star systems, which will expand my power an influence. Which is currently the weakest among United Planets members. Every UP meeting I've had to vote on issues the Alexians would support since I needed to be in their favor.
Ive always found the Drengins to be quite the whores. My fleet of 30+ Avatars crushed thier armada in three turns, my combat transports took all thier planets in 6.
Then again, I am a good player.

I would recomend Victoria and EU2 Bradylama. Sounds like you would enjoy it.
Probably. I just hope they have governors. I enjoy micromanagement but when it got to the point in GC where I was spending 5-10 minutes deciding what social structure my planets should build next it got tedious. So thank God for the governors. =P
Well if you like turn based strategy- I have enjoyed Panzer General 1 over and again. Seems quite fair and historically accurate to me.