Long story short; I have a motherboard with an AGP slot, and I have no interest in upgrading my MB or CPU at this time. I was looking around and notice that there are still Geforce 7900/7950 cards being made for AGP. I currently have a 6600GT card - would it be worthwhile to upgrade it to a 7900/7950, or possibly some equivalent ATi card?
I browsed around a few hardware review sites, and benchmarks seem to indicate that it would be a huge increase in framerate and also let me turn on those shiny graphics options that I always avoid; however, it's hard to find information on whether the versions they are reviewing are AGP or PCI-E, or even if it really makes a difference. Plus, I have a hard time trusting a chart of FPS rates over personal experience or knowledge. Any advice?
I browsed around a few hardware review sites, and benchmarks seem to indicate that it would be a huge increase in framerate and also let me turn on those shiny graphics options that I always avoid; however, it's hard to find information on whether the versions they are reviewing are AGP or PCI-E, or even if it really makes a difference. Plus, I have a hard time trusting a chart of FPS rates over personal experience or knowledge. Any advice?