Video card issue. PLease, help me!

it provides 22a across the 12v rail.

what card do you have? most 8800s take 24-26A, the 9600 take 26-30A, and the 280 takes 28-32A

if you have anything lower than a 8800, you are ok, anything of an 8800 or higher, and you are under-powering your card.
It's a Geforce 8500GT. So, yeah, it's ok, I guess? I've just bought the adapter. And it's working great! :D However, do you think that using this adapter will harm my video card in some way?
Stg Granite said:
It's a Geforce 8500GT. So, yeah, it's ok, I guess? I've just bought the adapter. And it's working great! :D However, do you think that using this adapter will harm my video card in some way?

All PSU got protection on the last part of the circuit (cant find the words in english sorry, in spanish is: la ultima etapa, la que entrega la energia), you are safe belive me, i am electric engeniering, i know what i am saying.

If the psu fail it will fail alone and will not damage any component.

If you wanna make sure if is going to give you problems just take a game with high demand on graphics and cpu (crysis?) and play it for hours, make sure the case got good ventilation, if the computer never reboot, everything is fine.

Sorry my english. Still learning reading forums :d
I'm pretty sure you'll be ok with that psu. depends on how much other stuff you have crammed into your case. if you have a lot of hdd's that will put more strain on the psu for example.

but you know, you shouldn't say sorry to us (and roll your eyes) for instisting on not buying a new psu. it's your computer so if things go wrong, you're gonna have to apologize to yourself ;)